First DWC


Been following these forums for a while now and just got some room to finally do my own grow so i thought this should be my first post. Any pointers helpful criticism is definitely appreciated.
setup right now is 8 plant site with 250mh lamp with 2xt5(plan on bigger lights but dont have the funds as of now)
i decided to go with recirculating DWC as my first setup becuase i heard dwc is easiest.
it holds roughly 42L, has a 495 GPH pump, and has an air pump running two mini airstones in each pipe.
those 3 plants are transplants from soil as an experiment
i guess my first 2 questions are, is this enough air into the water and will those two green plastic sheets effect anything.



New Member
funny looking dwc:)
looks good tho but i would say it was a cross between dwc and nft/aeroponics :)


yea its a product of a lot of research on here haha i didnt know if i was going in the right direction, thats why i tossed some test subjects in before my first grow.


the goal to for this setup was as low cost and efficient as possible not including the light, i was lucky enough to get that from a scrap yard, 170 for all materials you see that includes the pump and air pump and all small parts.


guess i got a little to off my main subject the original intent of this post was to ask if anyone had any suggestions or ideas to improve this setup, i plan on using this with some tangerine dream that i got from advanced, and want to make sure i can keep problems to a minimum, btw i used advanced nuts gow micro bloom at 50 % fo the transplants that are in there, good bad sugestions?


Well-Known Member
looks like DWC and Areoponics had a babyy aha.....but to tell if you have enough air in the water turn the air pump on and look into each hole and see if you see bubbles if you do then that should be enough but i would prefer and airstone like the one in the picture i posted below because they can range insize as far as how long you want it the longer it is the more oxygen bubbles it will produce for your babies....and those plastic thingys should effect anything i suppose. but Nice set up and good luck with your grow



Thanks the air was my main concern, i though about a larger stone buy i thought that having a more even spread might benifit me dunno if thats true but hey it will be a learning experience as for the stones i have in there yes thet all produce bubbles and i removed the plastic sheets to see if the waterfall would also help with oxygen