First Democratic Debate on Tue. Oct. 13, You guys tuning in?

It doesn't matter, according to the headline on msnbc, CLINTON CRUSHED IT.

Apparently, Biden has no reason to run now. Clinton cemented herself as the front runner. YAY!
Good thing they have so few of these scheduled. Nothing but crowd pleasing at best.

Dull, same old boring, phony, pity party "let's get the rich" ideology. Compared to the Republican debates, especially the last one, that "debate" was a real sleeper.
Well, after watching what was, in essence, a confirmation of the inevitable nomination of the deeply flawed Hillary, all I can say is good luck to the Dems.
The deferential treatment Hillary received was nauseating.
When Bernie said "The American people are sick of hearing about your damn emails!"
Game, set, match. It is a done deal, Kids. Hillary takes the nomination.

Independent and undecided Americans probably care a little about integrity, honesty and accountability. But not Bernie...jeeeesh!
The establishment will prevail.

Even though it is very early, the best hope for the Dems is for Uncle Joey to come riding to the rescue.
Hillary is not polling well against the top tier Repubs (except Trump), Biden does much, much better.

Lookee here
Well, after watching what was, in essence, a confirmation of the inevitable nomination of the deeply flawed Hillary, all I can say is good luck to the Dems.
The deferential treatment Hillary received was nauseating.
When Bernie said "The American people are sick of hearing about your damn emails!"
Game, set, match. It is a done deal, Kids. Hillary takes the nomination.

Independent and undecided Americans probably care a little about integrity, honesty and accountability. But not Bernie...jeeeesh!
The establishment will prevail.

Even though it is very early, the best hope for the Dems is for Uncle Joey to come riding to the rescue.
Hillary is not polling well against the top tier Repubs (except Trump), Biden does much, much better.

Lookee here
Skewed polls!!

In reality, Bernie is on 95% approval rating with the American people.
Anyone else notice the question: "Do all lives matter or do black lives matter?" When the question went to Hillary they changed the wording... "What would you do for African Americans in this country, that President Obama couldn't?". Just thought that was interesting.
Headlines the day after election day 2016 will read, Repukes lose again, Dems win again, and again, and again. Repukes are nothing but losers.

Headlines the day after election day 2016 will read, Repukes lose again, Dems win again, and again, and again. Repukes are nothing but losers.

I tend to agree. Best case for repubs is to win a squeaker while best case for dems is winning a landslide. I don't see any of the big electoral count states that went dem last presidential changing this time around. Repubs would need to win everywhere else.
Do you think Bernie will die of old age before the election? Thank God, the Dems have a spry little thing like Hillary to fill in.