First crop.... Opinions please..


image.jpg image.jpg image.jpg Hi guys this is my first crop just wanted to show some pics and hear opinions, ideas, suggestion.
Medium: soil
Nuets: gen hyd flora series expert, superthrive
If you have any questions feel free to ask just trying to see how I'm doing thanks.
Sorry I'm a newbie to the forums too.


Well-Known Member
Welcome to RIU

Your plants seem to be stretching a bit, but are looking long have they been in flower?
What strain are you growing?


November 28 first day of 12/12

I'm not 100% on the strain but my buddy said 1 is "sensi" and 1 is "Cronik" again don't quote me but that's what I was told they both started from clones.


Well-Known Member
IMO, they have a sativa look to them

they're looking good for only 5 weeks into flower...... several more weeks to go.

keep them looking healthy and they'll surely fatten up

Mr. Shine

Well-Known Member
Pimpin Mcgangsta
Gen. delivery
Pasadena, CA 91115

I'll tell you what I think when I'm done smoking bro but it will take about a pound to get a good opinion


Well-Known Member
Today is day #43 for 12/12 I was definitely thinking Sativa since they keep stretching
What day did the plants actually show flowers? With a sativa u are looking at 10 weeks from THAT day, not 10 weeks from the day u changed to 12/12. U are likely in week 3-4 of flower on a 8-10 week schedule. Looks nice, careful of the stretch, make sure u support those tall lanky colas so they dont lean on each other.


What day did the plants actually show flowers? With a sativa u are looking at 10 weeks from THAT day, not 10 weeks from the day u changed to 12/12. U are likely in week 3-4 of flower on a 8-10 week schedule. Looks nice, careful of the stretch, make sure u support those tall lanky colas so they dont lean on each other.
If that's the case I think your about right this is prob around week 4. I'll update some pictures in a few weeks, thanks for everything guys.