First Colorado outdoor grow questions

To answer your question regarding what Obama has done in the last 5 years. He has turned back on nearly ALL of his promises. He enhanced the patriot act. It is now legal for the government to plant surveillance in your home without your permission. Obama also wrote into law, the ability to utilize drones against US Citizens. I could keep going... You can use google to easily confirm my statements.

Another thing, this is what they did in Nazi Germany. First, they start off with higher regulations and background checks, then they proceed to take away certain guns like semi-automatics eventually leading to a complete gun ban. Just like Hitler fluoridated the public's water during WW2, they are fluoridating the water in America right now...Fluoride has been studied by scientists and its proven to dumb you down. You should do some history research. Watch this documentary on youtube "1982: A True History of the United States".
Sorry, still not high. Can't resist.

To answer your question regarding what Obama has done in the last 5 years. He has turned back on nearly ALL of his promises.

Like every politician does?

He enhanced the patriot act.

Dubya started the Patriot Act. Presidents do not give up power. Try to pay attention.

It is now legal for the government to plant surveillance in your home without your permission. Obama also wrote into law, the ability to utilize drones against US Citizens. I could keep going... You can use google to easily confirm my statements.

Were you this vigilant when Dubya was president? Because Dubya makes Obama look like a constitutional defender.

What does that have to do with guns?
That is why paranoids have been buying up ammo for the last 5 years?

Dubya did much worse shit and people were not buying ammo up.
So you crazy people are only afraid of our government when it is headed by a black man?

I hate our government. at the same time I am not stupid enough to be pulled into this, "The Black muslim is ruing this country."

Another thing, this is what they did in Nazi Germany.

Seriously, fuck you.
You know what they did in Nazi Germany? They killed over 6 million people.
Shut the fuck up.

First, they start off with higher regulations and background checks, then they proceed to take away certain guns like semi-automatics eventually leading to a complete gun ban.

So in the last 5 years that has happened? Are you sure that actually happened in Nazi Germany?
Seems to me the current round of legislation is a result of a tragic shooting, not some evil, black muslim president trying to take our guns.

The Treaty of Versailles was the impetus behind the disarming of German citizens. The German government did not initiate it.

Just like Hitler fluoridated the public's water during WW2, they are fluoridating the water in America right now...Fluoride has been studied by scientists and its proven to dumb you down. You should do some history research. Watch this documentary on youtube "1982: A True History of the United States".

Oh, you are one of those. I should have seen it when you compared our country to Nazi Germany.

We have enough crazy here in CO. Try Washington.
If you want to continue this insane rambling, send me a private message, this is not the place.
Alright guys take it to the politics section, this is not the place, none of us care to read this.
This section is not for political talk, i am going to leave both of your posts alone, but take it elsewhere please!
Buzzkill, this was just getting good. Here, let me hold your jacket while you step into the ring...

As Americans we should support our president even if we disagree with him. CO is a great place to live, work and grow weed. It is just a real challenge outdoors because the weather is so crazy. Clearly there are great independent views here, this is not your typical community of like minded folks, there are some really creative people people here and WE VOTE! And some of us grow and we voted to allow growing of MMJ, so put that in your pipe and smoke it. Please. Trousers that means you.bongsmilie:lol::bigjoint::peace:
Lol why did they delete my evidence? Trousers obviously cant come up with anything better than to call me a racist...I'm done with this conversation. I'm just laughing to myself...