First Closet Grow! With Pics!

Randall "Pink" Floyd

Active Member
Hey, so this is my first grow. . . Most of the plants look good, but one of them has a couple of yellow spots on the leaves. They were conceived 18 days ago. The small ones are bag seed, and the bigger ones are O.G. Kush. :leaf:
If anyone has any comments or opinions please let me know, almost anyone is more experienced and I would love to have tips and tricks. Thanks.


Randall "Pink" Floyd

Active Member
Cool. The soil they are in is some kind of miracle grow moisture protection or something. After reading around I found out that it could kill my plants so I'm going to go try to find some of that fox farms stuff if I can find it and transplant this afternoon. Anything else I need to do?

Randall "Pink" Floyd

Active Member
UPDATE! So we transplanted the plants to bigger pots, and mixed our MG moisture control with some organic worm castings or something. We got a couple more lights so now we have 6 26w 6500k lights. Any tips, comments, or suggestions are always appreciated!



Well-Known Member
looks good, for a brand to start off with i recommend fox farms also, many growers on riu have commented about their yields.

Randall "Pink" Floyd

Active Member
UPDATE: So we are on day 24 I think. I thought they would be bigger right now, but I think they are small because of the MG soil. I couldn't find any good nutes so I just got some mg standard nutrients. They are looking pretty good, though. A couple have yellow leaves around the bottoms and the stems aren't very stout. I was thinking about going down to lowes to get a 70 watt hps fixture and light to flower with. It's only $30. Whatcha think?



Well-Known Member
i think 70 watt would be fine. maybe a 150 if you plan on doing several more plants in the future. but what you could do is get the 70w hps and supplement it with several cfls in the correct light spectrum. i hear people do great doing it like that.


Active Member
Hey man, where can I buy snake lights like that (that I can hook lightbulbs and y-sockets into)? Those look like they would work good for me =]

Randall "Pink" Floyd

Active Member
We are going to reconfigure our grow setup this afternoon. We bought 2 30 gallon rubbermaid containers that we are going to stack on top of one another. Cut a rectangular hole in the bottom and put a tower fan against it and cut a square hole in the top and put a computer fan with a carbon filter from the DIY. We are going to hand our cfls from the top.
For flowering we are either going to get a 70w HPS from lowes and scatter a few 2100k CFLs in it or just have 1 150w HPS. Do you think either of those would get too hot and melt the plastic? I guess my question is what would be cooler. A 70w HPS and 4 or 5 CFLs or just a 150w HPS. Any comments are appreciated.

Randall "Pink" Floyd

Active Member
UPDATE!! So it has been about a month and a week and I thought I should update the progress. We built a grow box that is about 18 cubic feet and we bought the 150w HPS e-conolight. So we now have 8 26w 6500k CFLs and the 150w HPS for our 4 plants. They are all doing good, one has a little nute burn but nothing major. We are LSTing one. Fimming one. Topping one. and letting the other grow naturally to see which one turns out the best. We also got some cloning stuff but we dont really know how to clone. . . Any comments or suggestions are awesome.

