First Closest Grow ever


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ok so seeing how i am gong to start flowering in about a 4-11 more days depending on growth, that wil give me a totall of 3-4 weeks. when i decided i should give her a 24hr night and then start on 12/12


Active Member
so i added a piece of mylar on the level of the soil so that light would reflect back up. Also did 1/4ish nutes. i made a batch then diluted it with water i had sitting inside my grow room. ( 1/4 nute, with 3/4 water). Lights are off right now for 4 hrs (timer status) and should be back in about 2 hrs. happy saint patricks day. im getting drunk after my midterm hope you guys that read this are to.. Sweet already got my new pair of leaf growth about a quarter inch.. .. that reminds me, so i have been pushing the branches down and away from the center. so that the center gets most light and that theres space for everything. that a good idea or done even mess with it?


so i added a piece of mylar on the level of the soil so that light would reflect back up. Also did 1/4ish nutes. i made a batch then diluted it with water i had sitting inside my grow room. ( 1/4 nute, with 3/4 water). Lights are off right now for 4 hrs (timer status) and should be back in about 2 hrs. happy saint patricks day. im getting drunk after my midterm hope you guys that read this are to.. Sweet already got my new pair of leaf growth about a quarter inch.. .. that reminds me, so i have been pushing the branches down and away from the center. so that the center gets most light and that theres space for everything. that a good idea or done even mess with it?
thats what i do to let them breath. my last crop i tied the lower branches down to help keep it nice and open for light and air flow. hope this helps


Active Member
ok so I got a chronic bag seed from my local friend and germinated and am 2 weeks into growth, i just transplanted my baby into a 8 inch pot. For soil i am using miracle grow moisture control. I have 2 26w 6500k Cfl's ,and 1 26w 2700k cfl. In a box lined with mylar(emergency blanket) i am running about 20/4 light cycle. I also have a Fan. I got some Schultz 10-15-10 plant food plus but have not added any nutes yet. I was thinking it was about time, does this sound alright ? total noob so any help is welcome. :sleep: btw i cannot sleep its 6 am. Photo is of PLant befor transplant. the leaves look bent down but they are not.
sorry the image is huge. lol better and more photos (btw these were taken on a camera phone

1. nutes?
2. enough light?
3. any advice?
4. im so excited, accept i have a midterm tomorrow to study for.
1. You don't need any, especially not now.
2. I would get one more 26. Is it necessary? No, but it will definitely give you a bigger yield and a quicker grow.
3. Read a ton of grow guides, do a ton of research, and stick to the guide! Don't try to improvise. You're a beginner (so am I, so I stick to the grow guide).
4. No shit, me too. Italian midterm, haven't studied, not planning on studying, should do well anyway. College or high school? I'm high school.

One more unrelated tip: Keep your grades up. If your grades drop, guess what your parents start thinking. And then they investigate, and then you'r busted.


Active Member
yeah i know . college buddy. no chance i would grow budskis at my place my dad would flip a shit. . so yesterday i didnt like the way my lights were hittin the mj. so i got a cardboard box W*L*H so its like a 5*3*8 and added them to it. i havent added mylar yet but i can already see results. it focus's the lights right ontop. be for i had 3 cfl's 2 in reflectors but i could never angle it correctly, and i also felt the light as going everywhere, not its going down.. i do understand iwill need spulemental light fgor the sides but i got5 bulbs and lights./ will go get them. let.
my nutes at 10-15-10.
but back to saint pattys day

fucking rocked accept i got wayyyyyyy to drunk. i woke up naked in my bed, but i started at a party that was 15 mins away mad bitchs, haha hopefully i got lucky n dont remember lol.


Active Member
hey there keith, looking good:clap: will be startin a cfl grow soon, interested in how this gos:leaf: peace out.


i just started flowering... been at 4 weeks veg, now they are at day 6 flowering (big plant on the picture is 2 months old i gotta say its a beast)
i give my ladies plenty of nuts and they seem to be very happy
this is my first grow



Active Member
yea so im guessing you guys have been reading. remember how i said iwas bending the branches down there seems to be leaves sprouting there like 2 fan leaves? hopefully nugget spots. photo shot tomorrow lol to show growth X) im so excited lol and im using a real camera this time


Active Member
SO I couldent find that camera andi tryed to use mine accept its broken.. epic fail. but got good news i gave it 1/4 nute again and it literally grew at least an inch in about 3 hours, leaves are pushing upward photos later. so my leaf sets are: 1 fan, 1x 3leave and 2x 5leaves and then theres another 5 set growing in the center. also i have leaves growing where i bent the leaves down and there is actually legit leaves forming the individual pairs. photos later.


Well-Known Member
Don't go crazy on the nutes, she is still young and really doesn't need them that much. I would use plain water 3 times then feed on the 4th watering(watering every 4-5 days). Your girl looks VERY HEALTHY right now and wouldn't want you to burn her. It can also take up to 2 weeks to see any sign of feeding. Plans lookin real nice though man keep up the good work! Oh and i wouldn't worry about any bending or anything at the moment. Maybe a week or two.:leaf:


Active Member
saddly i watered her friday and pored alot of water in one spot and i burned some of my new growth. i am going to water again in 2 days less nutes. Tomorrow she will get 24/hrs of darkness befor i start 12/12 cycle X)


Active Member

i wouldnt use that mylar, although it seems like a good idea, plants only absorb light from the top of leaves and light reflected back can burn tender leaf undersides and slow growth
how old is ur plant btw?
and someone mentioned about getting growing another 2 seeds say,: really really good idea! theres nothing worse than realising uve been growing something completely pointless for ages and ur still no nearer to that illusive sinsemilla


Active Member
hey so i just finished the 24hr darkness and am on 12/12 will post pics later but question i just noted 4 7 petal leaves. good or bad? 2 are the new growth less than an 1 but you can see it has 7, and a let of leaves that are about 3 inch's???? i updated the lighting as i couldent find the 4th plug to set up another light. so i have 1 26w 6500k, 1 26w 2700k, 1 23w 2700k. hoping to get more soon. i thinking that i will max around 80-104(4x 26W) i dont feel i need more for 1 plant. Hopefully shes sex's really soon, btw i decided to name her "Fish". lol


Active Member
day 2 of 12/12 shits boring im feeling good that sher hopefully is a woman X) my friends already have asked for clones woop woop. second i am debating on getting seeds, wanted to know of any fast growing from Seed to harvest. for next batch, that are CHEAP. thank. :)