First cloning trial any advice?

I have 7 plants I plan to flower within days but first want to take 3 clones from each. I plan on taking them from the lower stems which have devolped a first node/stem. Im told to cut at a 45 degree angle and dip in solution for 5 seconds. I got rockwell cubes and jiffy pellets to go in a humidity dome. What do I do to the bottom of the cutting before dipping? Trim the fan leaves? Is 3 a plant too many (stress the plant b4 flower)? Any advice for me? Thank you :clap:


Well-Known Member
I have 7 plants I plan to flower within days but first want to take 3 clones from each. I plan on taking them from the lower stems which have devolped a first node/stem. Im told to cut at a 45 degree angle and dip in solution for 5 seconds. I got rockwell cubes and jiffy pellets to go in a humidity dome. What do I do to the bottom of the cutting before dipping? Trim the fan leaves? Is 3 a plant too many (stress the plant b4 flower)? Any advice for me? Thank you :clap:
3 is fine but you may find its much easier to just put the cuttings in a party cup filled halfway with soil and sprayed with mister then covered with saran wrap. The domes and all the cubes cost and dont guarantee roots. Try a couple with just a cup and soil and make sure after misting and covering to put them in your grow room if you use HID for the heat or heating matt under the cups if you dont have HID lighting (which is nice and warm) also after you take your cutting at the 45 have a cup of water with you so you can put the cutting in the water right away until you get to your work area as you dont want air bubbles to get into the stem. take the cutting and put in the water and then trim if its too big, I put mine in the cup about 1 and a half to 2 and a half inches high with maybe 3-4 leaves. IF its not catching root after a week and some of the leaves are yellow I may clip the large yellow one so its not trying to keep it alive and give few more days to catch root. Good luck
Alright I hope this works out I got my first 21 clones ready off seven plants I hope they make it and the others are ready for flowering at 10-16" sucks that there not even oh well still bushy. This strain Im growing is burmese x Fucking Incredible :lol:



Well-Known Member
3 is fine but you may find its much easier to just put the cuttings in a party cup filled halfway with soil and sprayed with mister then covered with saran wrap. The domes and all the cubes cost and dont guarantee roots. Try a couple with just a cup and soil and make sure after misting and covering to put them in your grow room if you use HID for the heat or heating matt under the cups if you dont have HID lighting (which is nice and warm) also after you take your cutting at the 45 have a cup of water with you so you can put the cutting in the water right away until you get to your work area as you dont want air bubbles to get into the stem. take the cutting and put in the water and then trim if its too big, I put mine in the cup about 1 and a half to 2 and a half inches high with maybe 3-4 leaves. IF its not catching root after a week and some of the leaves are yellow I may clip the large yellow one so its not trying to keep it alive and give few more days to catch root. Good luck
thanks, lots of good info for a first time cloner/ stoner +rep


Well-Known Member
Alright I hope this works out I got my first 21 clones ready off seven plants I hope they make it and the others are ready for flowering at 10-16" sucks that there not even oh well still bushy. This strain Im growing is burmese x Fucking Incredible :lol:
your plants look great keep the pics coming. looks like a sweet little clone box too.:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
That's the same setup I use, except I don't use rockwool, and have had almost 100% success. The most important thing I've found so far, is the temp. They root quite a bit faster at 85* than 75*, so you might want to consider a heating pad if the temps are a little low. It's also a good idea to remove the dome for a couple minutes each day and let them air out. It helps prevent mold from forming, which can be a problem with the peat pellets. Give them a light misting every day, wait 7 days, and you should have roots. :cool:
Yeah these clones are pretty bushy it was hard to find ones with only 3 leafs should I trim some small branches off is there too many leafs?


if they start to wilt and lean over like its nappy time you might have to remove some more leaf on them


Well-Known Member
Yeah these clones are pretty bushy it was hard to find ones with only 3 leafs should I trim some small branches off is there too many leafs?

You should cut the lower leaves off a couple of those, and do a little test. More foliage = faster growth after they take root, but, it can also slow down the rooting process. Do a comparison, then post the results in about 2 weeks, after they've had 4-7 days of veg growth. If the leafier ones take root almost as quickly, I bet they look alot nicer, in 2 weeks. :)


Well-Known Member
What happens, physiologically, when air gets up in the stem of a cutting????
i believe it blocks nutes somehow or cant get out maybe is the issue not sure just always heard to take glass of water in room with you as you take the cuttings just put right in the water until you get to your bench or work area. I know the dam stem is hollow when cut down so I dunno exact reason why not to do it just know not to. Lol someone will clarify I am sure, I think of it like stem is vein and you dont want an air bubble in your vein