First clones

Hey well I took my first clones, they seem to be doing good. I have them under a humidity dome on a seedling mat under my 4ft 4 bub t5 but I took 2 bulbs out. Ive been keeping the root cubes moist and spraying the clones.

My question is, Do I just keep them moist and spraying until they root or what? Its about day 10, no roots have poked through yet, they look healthy except some tips of leaves are starting to brown.


Brown tips are worrisome.

We need pics to assess the situation. Could be nothing, or it could be something that you need to do something about quickly.


You got them in cloning solution or light nutrients and hormone or what? You should have roots soon. Yes just keep them moist, shouldn't need to spray much In a dome.


Well-Known Member
I personally avoid the humidity domes my feeling is there isn't enough air movement even if it does have vents. Instead I use a humidifier without the dome and heating mat if needed. Another point to consider is it takes time after it has started to root for the roots to actually poke out of your cube. If you gently lift on the cutting you can tell when the rooting has begun.


Well-Known Member
Keep them in a propagator with no direct sunlight unless it is artificial. As Sily Shagsalot said 'take the dome off a couple of times a day to let in fresh air.'
I find that too much light is pretty hard on them as well.
Thats why I took 2 bulbs out. Ill take the domes off for some time. The brown leaves arent worrying me, its like 2 clones out of 50 have 1 brown tip. Nothing serious.

Everyone keeps saying not too moist.... What does this mean? Do I let the cubes dry out? I used a cloning gel when I cut them. I havent been using any solution or anything. Would b1 or anything benefit them?


Well-Known Member
IDK man I just had some terrible luck with some rapid rooters and a dome/heat pad and olivia's.

I squeezed them out a little....misted the plugs if the looked too dry...3 weeks later... nothing.
Prior to that I was keeping the bottoms pretty wet so the plugs never dried and always stayed dark and the rate was 50/50 a couple rounds....

ran out of rr plugs so I fired up the aero cloner lol 100% so far on round 2, straight ph'd water no dome.


Well-Known Member
I keep my cubes wet enough to dry out in about 24 hrs.
I do let they dry all the way sometimes and I also use a heating pad. I spray them and as said above, rarely use a doom anymore.
I have about a 98% success rate. No BS.

P.S. My clones take from 10 to 14 days to root out of the cube


Well-Known Member
I alway's get a touch of browning on the big fans, doesn't seem to hurt a thing. After the clones grow to about a foot tall I clip them off. I use a humidity dome though, because my room is fairly cool, It ranges from 67 - 75 deg. right now my room is at 64 deg so the spider mites can't breed while I kill them off....J


Well-Known Member
Took me quite a while to figure this problem out as I was going through the same thing. Bottom line -- if you keep the pellet continuously wet it will take forever to root. I did a lot of experimenting in the dome room and found that pellets that are starting to get dry are the quickest to root. Reason -- the roots are sent out from the plant to find water. Keeping the pellet wet means the roots don't have to travel/grow much to find water. After 2-3 days of not moistening the pellet is when the roots ill start to peek out. Try it, BigSteve.


Well-Known Member
Took me quite a while to figure this problem out as I was going through the same thing. Bottom line -- if you keep the pellet continuously wet it will take forever to root. I did a lot of experimenting in the dome room and found that pellets that are starting to get dry are the quickest to root. Reason -- the roots are sent out from the plant to find water. Keeping the pellet wet means the roots don't have to travel/grow much to find water. After 2-3 days of not moistening the pellet is when the roots ill start to peek out. Try it, BigSteve.

Right on bro...J


Active Member
Thats why I took 2 bulbs out. Ill take the domes off for some time. The brown leaves arent worrying me, its like 2 clones out of 50 have 1 brown tip. Nothing serious.

Everyone keeps saying not too moist.... What does this mean? Do I let the cubes dry out? I used a cloning gel when I cut them. I havent been using any solution or anything. Would b1 or anything benefit them?
I use the jiffy's, just done 10 cutting last night, now the way I do it is to soak the jiffy or root cubes in a tray, put all the cutting in the jiffy or root cube and place then on a dry tray and then put the cutting in the propagator, keep the propagator tray dry and the vents shut, lift the lid once a day so they get some fresh air

In about 3-4 day I will re soak the jiffy's/root cubes and then open the vents, check the clones in about 1 hour, if any have wilted close the vents and try again in a few days
if the cubes stay damp the roots will take a long time to grow, but if they keep getting dry/wet cycle the roots will grow quick, but be careful as if they get too dry the clones will die