First cfl home made grow box, yellow bottom leaves :@

I know yellow bottom leaves are normal because they wilt and yada yada, personally I see flaws in the leaves as imperfection and maybe it could possibly cause the bud to produce similar features of course not turning yellow. Deficent growth if you would. Any who I'll post pics later I'm on my iPhone and you can't upload.... Yet haha so yeah pics later but my veg box consists of LSD, tangerine dream, la blanca, ww x bb and fast nevilles all good heavy hitters for sure I got them (feminized) from attitude so they better be all females although its ignorant to believe they can tell the difference between the seeds :p still it's nice to dream. In the past 5 weeks of veg now possibly four... Maybe... Haha don't remember for sure who cares right the longer you veg the better, I've killed two spider mites off the tangerine dream only one day after another back to back, odd huh? So I poured a godly amount of pepper in the box hoping to throw off the hell bound beasts. So far so good it's been about two weeks since the first attack. Also it started on the la blanca at first at week two but the very bottom leaves (even after clipping them off) would spot brown like a virus so I clipped them off and the next leaves up got it next. So I trimmed those off this time instead stopping the spread... The next week it started on the tangerine dream same thing cut the round seedling leaves and then trimmed the leaves above, so here we are hard fight for the prized tangerine dream. (it had a hard time growing at first it was the runt definitely but now it's second in size) The leaves on the LSD on the bottom are bright yellow like mellow yellow, brighter than the new growth. Also the bottom fan leaves (it's only fan leaves that I've had issues with) on the la blanca are beginning to color bright yellow as well not just the tips especially on one particular side, the la blanca had no problems with it's leaves when I was barely watering it (I barely watered all of them until they got to the size where they made apparent they wanted water) so I started watering them once a day really good and now the la blanca growth has slowed tremendously almost causing it to be the smallest out of the two when originally it was the first to sprout break seed and flourish a week before the others... So I'm stumped any suggestions???? :/