First (CFL) Grow Bubblelicious(Nirvana-seeds)


Active Member
Hey folks.
Update. Just done flushing, damn there was still a lot of salts left. Now i flushed very well i think. So heres pics of my setup, not the best, but i guess my flower didnt mind it :) Oh and bottled co2 dont work i guess to low temps ( not reaching 80 F ) Anyway, heres pics.



Active Member
Hey people!
So its 6 weeks and 5 days into flowering.
And here will be some budshot. I want to harvest few lower branches on 7 weeks. So i can dry and start curing in jars. I want to have some smoke in Christmas and New Year. With my mom and few friends. I was thinking will it be ok to chop 4 lowest side branches and the small low bud branches of tops and those 2 nice high branches ( lowest shots). What do you think? It wont be alot stress for the plant right?
EDIT: forgot the pics



Active Member
nice grow bro....happy holidays!
Thanks bro. Wish u happy holidays too.

P.S scrapdizle, il make sure to report smoke. I have plans to quick dry just like 1 gram or little less for afterparty of somekind of underground local group concert in our town :) All the rest of pre-harvest im gona properly dry and cure for holidays :) And for best taste.
Peace out :)


Active Member
Hell yeah! Today harvested some branches.
And now theyr trimmed and handing. Is it ok if i leave some very very little frosty leaves(trimmed tips) on the buds. I was thinking that handing upside down the leaves will cover up bud a bit. Well from these branches theres very little buds. Some cant be called buts, but few hairs. Anyway heres pics
1st-2nd Plant before pre-harvest
3rd Branches before trim after i removed fan leaves.
4th-5th After trim.
6th lil baggy with trimmed leaves. Most of them crystal covered, few wasnt i dont care. Putted them into freezer for later hashmaking together with final harvest trims.
7th-8th Hanging.
9th Plant after pre-harvest.
Yes there still is pretty much white pistils. But who cares i just want cured buds for New year lol :D
Not much harvested so i wont cry + the rest power will go to bigger buds :) Hehe.
The fingers was sticky after trim, even when i tried not to touch much the buds but cleaning scissors made my fingers sticky.
Anyway :peace:



Active Member
So i got here rly low humidity past days because of winter. And pretty cold here at eastern europe. That way i got low humidity and thats why my buds dried in like 2 days. Very sticky dank buds. Just the smell wasnt that good. And still need cure for proper ash color. still got that cryspy black thats the sign not curred well. And that was just a test one. Still got some for tomorrow.
But damn.
From my glass bong and the taste wasnt so bad actually.
But damn whata body stone :D Oh we was high and runned train on my bed :D Not naked just for fun lol.So yeah body stone rly buzzy head. I like the high :D :joint::peace::blsmoke:
EDIT: P.S we just took like a 0.4 only :D And damn for 2 ppl. Im just stoned right now. I weighted only 1g yet. from what we smoked 0.4 And tomorrow will be done the rest. But still got almost 3/4 what i harvested in this first grow. Il have great holidays :D


Active Member
Good morning :D
Yesterday had not expected guests. So girls drinked beer me and one buddy toked up half gram from my bong. And today all the rest of buds from 1st harvest is nice dried. As i said we got 30% humdity atm cuz of winter, so yeah now the rest is in jar.
Total 1st pre-harvest yield 3.6g Now curing in lil jar :) I wonder how much will that big colas weight. Here`s some pics :)
Cant wait the dank smell of it. Now curing and still grassy smell. Got half gram to smoke tonight at the concert hehe :)
These are so mini buds compered to those in my bush left :D
Peace out!



Well-Known Member
wow man.. i just went through you whole thread.. and i gotta say this is one of the best ones ive sene.. i had to look at EVERY single picture because they were all soo fucking beautiful!!! and you said you got this from nirvana?? im thinkin about gettin some of this.. along with blue mystic.. i was amazed at how good this grew!! and then when you said you were growing it with CFL's!!!!!! i couldn't believe it!!! this grow is AWSOME man!! goes to show you dont need a 300 dollar light to grow some nice tasty bud!! +Rep one of the best CFL grows ive ever seen!!


Active Member
wow man.. i just went through you whole thread.. and i gotta say this is one of the best ones ive sene.. i had to look at EVERY single picture because they were all soo fucking beautiful!!! and you said you got this from nirvana?? im thinkin about gettin some of this.. along with blue mystic.. i was amazed at how good this grew!! and then when you said you were growing it with CFL's!!!!!! i couldn't believe it!!! this grow is AWSOME man!! goes to show you dont need a 300 dollar light to grow some nice tasty bud!! +Rep one of the best CFL grows ive ever seen!!
Thx man for kind words. im back from the concert. Theres cake on my desk. Oh god :D sorry tripped :D So im back and we took few beers. And only that 0.5 g and like 5 ppls we get fucked up from it mixed with beer. The taste was great. And concert boring, but me and myone friend who used only alcho, we moshed there. And all ppl just standing around doing nothing. Few young girls were headbangin infront of us. But the concert was boring. But our spot few meters from the concert We banged some drom and guitar soudnds ourself and get drunk/stoned :D Man this evening was great. Waiting to cure that 2.6g Buds. Cuz 1 g smoked up!