first cfl grow + bag seed. real low budget!


Active Member
first grow using cfl and mg potting mix. at the end of the earth lucky to find this in january. only plant going but wondering when is a good time to top? the plant is about 2 wks old and it is starting the fourth node almost to hard to see it unless my face is right over it. need to keep it short because grow space is under a 15 gal garbage can with the lights suspended about 3 inches above the tip. oh yeah working with mexi bagseed to get my stroke down.


thanks trupothead! I have poked holes and i put the fans at the very highest point they would fit. I am thinking of relocating them to the lid though.
the burnt runt isnt looking too god i am thinking about letting it pass on. the largest of the group is sky rocketing getting bigger by the day.


first grow using cfl and mg potting mix. at the end of the earth lucky to find this in january. only plant going but wondering when is a good time to top? the plant is about 2 wks old and it is starting the fourth node almost to hard to see it unless my face is right over it. need to keep it short because grow space is under a 15 gal garbage can with the lights suspended about 3 inches above the tip. oh yeah working with mexi bagseed to get my stroke down.
I dont know if you are asking me... but you should read up UBs thread on topping. he says wait till its at 6-7 nodes then top above the second.


Yoo Yone187 your setup looks kinda cool. If your plants are burning it may be because you have the light too close to them? when plants have just germiniated they are very fragile to light i herd. so just keep 1 or 2 lights in there for the time beign untill they grow a little bit bigger. Im currently on my First grow after many of failed attempts. Im using a 300W CFL Bulb which are fucking great for the price and give out 25,000 lumes!. my plants are vegging under the light and they are looking sweet. Take a look :). If you have abit of money i reccomend you buy 1 it will save some space from having all the bulbs. It cost me £50pounds im not sure how much it will cost in the USA if thats were you are from. Il sure keep posted on this 1 :)

Good luck & Happy Smoking :)
Subscribed :)


i put the fans on top and just left the 2 holes where they were open. dropped the heat index down to 72f when the window is open letting them breath and 75f when the window is closed. here are some pics of the little ones (hopefully ladies.) as you can see the burn victims are still growing.


That's a cool little set up you got there, I got a super low budget too, I'm somewhat ahead(flowering) but I'm looking forward to see how you go about it! Good luck bro


small update...
i snipped the burnt plants and the burn victim is doing amazing! i am shocked at the stubbernes of these little ones. I transplanted them into party cups cause i was afraid that the styrofoam was leeching shit into the soil (i felt like they were a little stunted since they hit the bottom with their roots. I picked up two clones from a buddy a mt.cook from kiwi seeds and a crimea blue from barney's.
the crimea blue looks great but the mt.cook is taking a dump i believe no pics of them yet but i will take some when they make it into soil. sitting at 75f heat index still.



Active Member
Nice Setup ya got. Im on that broke tip too. but cfls can suprise ya, i got 7 23Watters and 2 65 Watters. got everything real chep. :-) im gonna keep my eye on this one, hope shit turns out gravy!


I think i am going to go with 8 or 10 CFLs total eventually. the clones look great will post pics later on today.


hey looking good so a little ahead of you in my first cfl grow, you should check it out!

Yours are growing alot faster than mine were...idk what happened. Things are starting to look good. What soil are you going to be using...nutes? ect...

I wish I could get my hands on some clones! :wall:

good luck!


Right now they are in blackgold seedling soil and when I sex and transplant I will be using 3 gallon pots and foxfarms ocean forest for all of the females I am expecting one plant out of the four bag seed and at least one clone probably the blue crimea


woke up this morning after lining the box with mylar and the heat raised to 95f yikes! opened all the vents on the box and dropped it to 85 I think i need to make it more humid in there the clones are having a really hard time.


its been 21 days from seed you think they should be growing faster? they seem to be doing alot better in the 75f-80f and 16% humidity. and as far as the clones i believe they are starting to have nute defs should i be using nutes on them?
I've read some people say to start giving them nutes after 2 weeks after 21 days I guess u wouldbe fine. I started mine after 2 and half weeks. As for the heat idk I saw some1 put frozen water bottles in the box so I put some in mine and it keeps the temp a little lower. Good luck dude!!


i realized that i had been over watering them all but the little burned runt seems to enjoy the water. I am letting them wait till they are ready for more.
plus pics of the clones!
the short one is the mt.cook and the taller one is the blue crimea.
temps sitting at a cool 76f keeping the soil moist.
just realized my timer wasnt on yet so they were sitting under 24/0 instead of the intended 20/4. the plants changed quite a bit. the last seed to sprout and the burn vic are both at 3 nodes now and the other two are only at 1.

