First CFL Grow!2 Moby Dick, White Rhino, ???, and a cup full of schwag!


Active Member
You're absolutely right but from the looks of the plant it still has a week (maybe) before he gets freaky with the young girls!
[phew] relief. hey since its a male cant she just put it outside? i mean my dads friend grew a male in his backyard lol. maybe even a hermie plant could slip past the popos haha


Active Member
If she wants a little pollen, why not?
yes very true ive heard the pollen travels + gets stuck on hands and clothing. so complete burning of the male is probably proper. or planting in a nearby forest. :). But me and her already talked about this im pretty sure she dont wanna do that lol


Well-Known Member
Alright hahaha he's dead. Thanks guys! I wouldnt wanna risk keeping him around at ALL.
Here are the GIRLS:
The church & white rhino were extensively damaged by the pesticide. About 60% of their leaves were burned. When I got home I was pleasantly surprised to find new growth, even though those burned leaves are sad to look at. :(

The moby dick are still doing well! Is it alright to do some reLSTing at this point? Or should it be completely avoided while in flower?
The other schwag and the little clone:

Thanks so much for all your help guys! I really need to go back and find the threads I was subbed to, I don't wanna miss out on the great grows I was watching. I've just been super busy! I didnt get to try any of that skywalker og kush because he was out, but I got an eighth of some Louis XIII og. Haven't had any good smoke in a LONG time, so I'm happy even though it's not really my favorite kind of stone. The high is more of a couchlock for me, with an overwhelming uncertainty clouding my thoughts. I'm more of a "happy" weed kind of person, but it feels good to get lost. I'm pretty stoned over as I type this lol. Hope you guys had an awesome weekend!


Well-Known Member
Not necessarily guess it's a little hard to explain. I don't mind the couchlock or heavy stone, I just usually prefer a high that has me grinning ear to ear or just feeling good about life in general, whether I'm stuck on the couch or out being social. This Louis XIII just has me really stoned deep in thought. It's a great and intense high, not complaining. :)


Well-Known Member
I wanna like those posts so bad lol. Thanks so much guys. :) And thanks for helping me out with that male! Could have been a disaster.


Well-Known Member
Thanks everyone! And thanks lag, haha it's the thought that counts. :)
It does look like basil doesn't it? It's actually Coleus. But I do have basil growing too!
Basil and a crazy tomato plant that I need to get a wire cage for lol. I found my first tomato this morning!
-EDIT: I decided that it isn't a good idea for me to show my "legal" plants because they are outside and could be identified. Call me paranoid but hey.


Well-Known Member
your plants are looking magnificent, cant wait to see the Moby Dick II as she gets older. I hear its some real nice smoke :hump:
Keep up the good work, +rep