First Bubbleponics DWC 5 gallon hydro. Need 3 questions answered

hey, after reading everything i have one question.. how much did the whole setup cost you? i am VERY interested in some DWC hydro growing. Right now im just finishing up my outdoor grow of some SSH "5th week of flowering". And then after that i plan to move onto hydro : P
minus lighting of course. got plenty of that

I did the same thing my man, after my last outdoor grow i decided to switch to DWC out of interest. Glad you asked because I realized sometime last week that i should post my budget for this grow. Well here it is:

Hydro Kit from Hydro shop (includes bucket, pump, hosing, airstone, 20lb bag of hydroton, and netpot lid : $50.00

Hydrofarm 125w CLF : $60.00

Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Gro: $22.00

Botanicare Pure Blend Pro Bloom: $22.00

Botanicare Hydroplex : $28.00

pH down : $7.00

TDS meter: $25.00

pH test: free

seedling : free
Total : $214.00
Nice list bro, I'll throw you some more rep when I can :)
thanks for sharing!

Thanks brotha, its funny because i was on your journal earlier today and i was going to rep you as well, but seems like i gotta spread more rep around before i can do that! But assure me, ill hit you back son!
Thanks brotha, its funny because i was on your journal earlier today and i was going to rep you as well, but seems like i gotta spread more rep around before i can do that! But assure me, ill hit you back son!

LoL, awesome!! I'm working on spreading some right now, to those who deserve it of course :)
do i really need a tds meter? also, are there ferts that are cheaper than that?
Yes you do need to check ppm and pH! It is very vital to your plants health that you monitor both very closely!

It would be wise to get one especially if your going to do a journal or ask questions on this website, many people may need to know what ppm's ur running ect.
Im sure you can get really good deals online and it depends on where u live, but the closest hydro store to me charges a lil higher, im just lazy and dont feel like ordering stuff online, even though i could get a way better deal.
I added two more 100w CFLs, i rotate plant every 4 hours of light to get equal amounts on the plant. 325w total.






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Thanks for creating this thread (I'm thanking you with my first post even), it will serve as great guide to many people I think. I've taken a few elements towards my initial grow setup from here too.

Anyway, I was just reading and thought of asking some questions. How's the smell issue going with it being just one plant? What colour are the new bulbs? Do you think you will be able to accurately tell the results from using Hydroplex, or would the results become vaguely inconclusive as you're lacking a control plant? One confusing thing about hydroponics I've been seeing is a gigantic list of all the nutrients people add to theirs. But there's rarely an explanation of why exactly they're using the things they are, and yet others manage seemingly fully eligible yields with just the most modestly quantified lists of ingredients (I mean like, just two or three containers of stuff). You must've done a fair amount of nute research, you must have some opinions on that?
Thanks for creating this thread (I'm thanking you with my first post even), it will serve as great guide to many people I think. I've taken a few elements towards my initial grow setup from here too.

Anyway, I was just reading and thought of asking some questions. How's the smell issue going with it being just one plant? What colour are the new bulbs? Do you think you will be able to accurately tell the results from using Hydroplex, or would the results become vaguely inconclusive as you're lacking a control plant? One confusing thing about hydroponics I've been seeing is a gigantic list of all the nutrients people add to theirs. But there's rarely an explanation of why exactly they're using the things they are, and yet others manage seemingly fully eligible yields with just the most modestly quantified lists of ingredients (I mean like, just two or three containers of stuff). You must've done a fair amount of nute research, you must have some opinions on that?

Myselfship! Let me first start by saying Welcome to Rollitup! Glad to have you in this community. I agree these grow journals can contain so much information and can shed a lot of light on so many different things, for example, i had no idea how to connect an ac adapter to a pc fan, but during my grow i faced the issue of my temps getting too high, so being the broke mofo i am, i had to do a free DIY. Thanks to HappyHomeGrower, i now know how to wire adapters to small electronics :)
Thats just one example of many things i have learned. Thanks im glad i could inspire some ideas.

On to your questions.
Smell? Well my setup is just in my closet, not in anything, just under the shirt rack on one side of the closet and the initial room smells buddy, but you cant smell shit from the outside if the door is shut, I also have two blankets nailed to my door from the inside to keep light from peeking out underneath, its also prevents any smell from getting through the door. I keep my clothes in my closet, they dont smell like weed. My exhaust is into the attic and out the top of the house, the only way they could smell anything is if they go in the attic above my room, which is in one far end of the house. They know i smoke alot of bud so they will think the smell is just smoke. Not an issue with smell. I like going in my grow room after a long day, and just soak up the smell of the sweet buds, and examine my plant for hours it seem. I love it.

New bulbs are a yellow shade of clf, not sure the exact spectrum, ill look on the box tonight. My main one is a white cfl.

I will have no way of determining if hydroplex is effective, i just simply read the description at botanicares website about this stuff, made me drool. Figured id want my grow to be more interesting instead of just 6tsp of bloom. What fun is that? No i dont have a control, and this is the first time i have used it.

About the giant list of nutes: It becomes a ohh that looks good- type of situation, and part of it has to do with your setup, experience, and water your using. If you use RO water you need to get a calcium/magnesium soup, like botanicares Calmag. I started out with just one nute when i started, i had no idea which is best, although i have read many nute challenges ect. I just wanted to be simple, for starting out at least. So i went to the hydro store and asked the guy, who probably grows weed too, which he prefers and why. He told me botanicare has always served him and his customers well. I didnt have enough $ at the time for GH's 3 part series, which i wanted at first. So i got the botanicare pure blend pro grow, and some pH down. Seems simple, and i didnt want to be complicated about it.
Now that i have been using gro and bloom, its kind of a gateway to more nutes, so i got one more, which is hydroplex. Im now thinking about getting another in the last three weeks, maybe a cleanser , or a natural honey tea for taste. In a couple years of growing, your nute list can be 20 products or more. Its really fun imo. Starting out, i wouldnt recommend too many nutes, you could easily over nute. About botanicare, i can say it works great, but this is my first DWC and i have made many mistakes, but ive learned from them, i think i just got the hang of it around 2 weeks of flowering, but i have no experience with anything but botanicare, so i cant say its the best, or worst. and i havent had any problems since. You learn so much.
Your Girl is going to love all that light! Can't wait to see those buds swell for ya :) I'm rolling up a shortrider blunt right now, its a good feeling getting high on your own supply!!
Your Girl is going to love all that light! Can't wait to see those buds swell for ya :) I'm rolling up a shortrider blunt right now, its a good feeling getting high on your own supply!!

Oh mannn! im tokin right now too! But mine is my friend joes weed. LA Confidential. You gotta tell me how it it bro! Yes indeed it is a great feeling!!!
I wanna rep u right now but i still gotta spread more. WTF lol
Update: Something came up, and i had to end this grow. I had to take her down unfortunately :(

I cut off the buds and im gonna see if i can even get a high off em later. I doubt it though.

Im very upset.
Deepest condolences. =(

Well, I might start posting a journal of my grow that will be similar to yours. I also have Botanicare (actually the sample pack), and I might even start off on the crappy CFLs I have now. I have to rescue two plants that have been suffering in soil for about... I'd say, three months now, and they are about 3-4 inches tall. My AG plants are ten times larger than them (not going to raise those in the AG entirely, just using the AG to start them, which works really well).

Anyway, at least you've learned some things from the experience. So did the forum readers, we could tell it was going to be a good one.
best way i got my res temps down is with ice cubes and covering the entire res with reflective tape to avoid any heat/light absorption. Be careful about your res though, i went too cold with ice cubes and killed off a decent amount of my root mass from frost bite last hydro grow :/