First auto harvest PICS


Well-Known Member
Good looking stuff, bro
thanks, I'm really looking forward to how it smokes. Luckily I have plenty left from my last harvest which was bagseed and it was also my first grow. So this will be my first try smoking something I ordered, hope it was worth it.


Well-Known Member
im starting 2 lowryder #1 and i have crystal 3 days in flowering and i got purple kush germinating with the 2 lowryders lol hope something comes out of it good lol


Well-Known Member
nice. I have 2 more females going from my mixed pack right now, and I have two seedlings that sprouted the 12th of this month. I have 2 more seeds left and my girlfriend now decided to tell me she doesnt want me growing anymore. She says she has no problem with letting my finish what I have which is 4 plants (2 females, 2 seedlings) which kind of sucks, but its probably a good idea because we live in an apartment building. These little plants dont really smell though.



nice. I have 2 more females going from my mixed pack right now, and I have two seedlings that sprouted the 12th of this month. I have 2 more seeds left and my girlfriend now decided to tell me she doesnt want me growing anymore. She says she has no problem with letting my finish what I have which is 4 plants (2 females, 2 seedlings) which kind of sucks, but its probably a good idea because we live in an apartment building. These little plants dont really smell though.
Bummer....My auto lowryders kick too and our great for apartments. Well since your girl said no more just send the seeds my way....LOL