First Auto Grow. Is She ok ?


Hi all.
This is my first ever grow. So i started out with an auto, under a 90w LED. One small thing. I might of mixed my auto seed up with my non auto (one of which died within a few weeks)
Here is the plant that is well ( I hope )

Has that started flowering at all ? It seems nice and healthy to myself and my friend. A bit stinky but nothing i cant cope with. What is the yeild off an auto. I do not wish to sell it. The whole point of me doing this is so i can feel sleepy without staying up for longer than 24 hours :(

Cheers People :)


Cheers mate. What about the smell. I have seen threads on ozone generators, Carbon filters, and Gell. Whats the best and most quiet option ? as just the one plant has made my whole house smell.. In my opinion amazing but my housemates are not too keen on it..


Well-Known Member
Cheers mate. What about the smell. I have seen threads on ozone generators, Carbon filters, and Gell. Whats the best and most quiet option ? as just the one plant has made my whole house smell.. In my opinion amazing but my housemates are not too keen on it..
With an LED you might be able to get away with a four inch inline fan or a couple of PC fans with home made carbon filters for exhaust. It depends on how hot your LED runs. You can have dual PC fan exhaust and only run one when the lights are off to scrub the air, but run two when the light is on for heat/air scrubbing reasons. I have a similar setup, only using 6 inch inline fans, for my 1000 watt HID grow, and the temperature still gets up to the high eighties (Fahrenheit, I'm a yank) at times!


My room is pretty cold as it is, so the led warms the closet up to just about a nice temperature I have white fabric lining the inside to keep it warm. The door is open during the day. Ill have a good look at ono gell. I want to grow a few more autos as they seem nice to just do there own thing. Im hardly here so the whole 12/12 thing just wouldn't work.
The strange thing is that i cant actuaily smell it in my room, when i go downstairs i can smell it quite potently. :/
Once i convince my room mates that it can keep the smell down i will be "Pimping" out my closet properly with pc fans (Any tutorials on how to do that anywhere) Ideally i want to grow 2 at at time, and then start to grow two more 2 or three weeks before harvest so i have a good supply. Not for dealing as i don't share :')


Active Member
Dude, your name makes me LOL. I just keep picturing some pirate going after dudes' nutsacks. No offense, of course.
so u hear sac and think of a man touching another mans balls? no homo right? actually im from Sacramento and the pirates are my softball team lol. or team is called Donkey Punch haha



Not sure what week i am on with this one. I did transplant it as it was only in a small pot so might of lost a week or two due to stress.

What do you think ? First grow under LED in a closet....