first attemt to reproduce with diy bubblecloner!


Active Member
well,....its done. I have offically takin some cuttings from the mother NL plants and I am now in the process of trying to root with my homeade bubblecloner. I cut 8, 2inch holes(give or take)and have put 6 cuttings in and have thrown in 1 clone rooted in dirt and then washed gently until the root system was clean. I also threw in a cutting rooted in just plain water. im kinda just experimenting with different things all at once to see what works for me and my needs. so far out of 7 cuttings dipped in rooting powder and then placed in an organic planting cup filled with soil and placed in a 10 gallon fish tank with a plastic cover slightly craked open for air, i have had six take root. 2 out of 3 cuttings rooted in water and a dash of powder was mixed in to see what happened. they took root in about 10 days not very big roots but shoots developing, they should take off. so now that i have succeeded in making clones i have to many plants. so im gonna flower all the mother plants and start a few small ones. limit my plants going at one time is around four plus one mother grown from a cutting. I have put 3 of the the soil cup clones straight into 12/12 with 2 others that are around 2 months veg/3 wks flower. I'm anxious to see the outcome of that. I'm thinking of just pulling some of them to free up space and get my numbers right.i think im going to try and just grow using the 12/12 for awhile, 4 at a time, see how it works out. im using 5, 26 w cfl's and 1, 46 w cfl in a diy hood(i'll post pics ) with a 2 ft flouro. I'm hoping four plants straightg to 12/12 will be just right for the amount of watts to square footage. those flowering plants will stay and harvest, but this is the hard part,pulling perfectly good plants that i have been LST'ing. the 2 NL mothers are prolly going outside to finish their term while the LST'd ones are pulled. they are bag seed so i didnt really care about them they were just experiments in training. very helpful in understanding techniques that are easy and effective for bud site development(future experiments with training 12/12 from clone in the future) an hey who knows maybe they will get a home in the great outdoors as well. who knows. well i was bored and baked so i went on a tangent. but i will keep progress of grow posted. have pics soon.