First Attempt.. Take 2


Well-Known Member
healthy, beautiful, and looking swell! i think i grew all males after looking at your pics...


Well-Known Member
if you want more pics i can take em whenever and post em up! let me know if your interested in watchin my grow from beg to end!!!!


Well-Known Member
yes sir.. some were clones.. but others were feminized seeds from nirvana... ill keep you all posted!!! PM if you want the VIP treatment!


Active Member
yo guys i need help i just started to grow outside and i got those little guys popin out of the ground can i speed up the process? if i can help me out and tell me


Well-Known Member
yeah you can.. give it a couple of weeks and start the nute diet.. make sure you look up the right AN though.. because they CAN kill plants.. and you might want to start calling them ladies because male plants are boo boo :-D


Well-Known Member
you have to catch them in time too.. if its too late they will germinate your ladies and then they will have seeds which equals BOO BOO BOO!