First Attempt at Indoor Flowering-600w V-scrog (#1Skunk,Trainwreck,and 2 new strains)


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Hello people of the RIU community! :joint:
I have been lurking around for over a year now, and really enjoy seeing all the different grow ops people have going. So why not share...
I have been a strictly veg grower for 2-3 years now, vegging for 2 other people, because I kinda lack the space to flower in my small studio apt. I had a corner that i never used, besides for storage of crap (snowboard, cards, bags of clothes), so i decided to clean the corner out, and setup a low budget home made plastic tent. Dimensions roughly 6'x5'x7'. The plastic was black/white poly left over from my veg room, so all i needed was some strapping, and a bunch of Duct tape... And in two days I had myself a makeshift tent.

Here is what I got for equipment in the tent:
Lumatek 600w hps
6" air cooled reflector
Carbon filter
6" inline fan
Co2 (runs for about 3 hours when the lights turn on)
4" inline fan(fresh air intake)
2 fans for air circulation

Soil: Formula 707
Water: Adjusted to 6.00
Nutes: Earth Juice (bubbled and mixed 24-48h before use) This is my first attempt ant using Earth Juice, and its been a challenge. I am still not sure what ratio to be using, so i started at 1/5 strength and have been slowly working my way up.

Strains: #1 Skunk, Trainwreck, The next two I crossed last summer... Bubblegum/Diesel, and Bubblegum/Blue Moonshine

I have always like the technique of scrogging, and came across a few V-scrog setups that had much more surface area, so I decided to give that a whirl. Using 1/2" pvc, a handfull of pvc joints, and some green fencing attached by zip ties, here is what i came up with.

More pictures to come in just a moment.
And please if you have ANY suggestions, Id love to hear your input. Thanks :peace:


Active Member
Here is a peak at the Veg room. Mostly T5's along with a Lumatek 600w Metal Halide. The only thing missing from these picture is my cloning box, which is going to be chalk full in a day or two when i get the space.

List o' Strains: Trainwreck, #1 Skunk, Blue Moonshine, Chem dog, Bubblegum, Vanilla Kush, and three crosses I made last year Bubblegum/Diesel, Bubblegum/Blue Moonshine and Bubblegum/unknown bagseed.

(watered back left plant just after picture was taken ;) )


Active Member
And back to the Flower Tent..
The Plants were placed in the finished tent on 3/7 and one week later I removed the two on the left and replaced them with two different ones. (One of my crosses ended up being male :p, and I didn't like the square 9"x9" white pot the skunk was in.)
I do realize the pots they're are finishing in are kinda on the small side, (3 gallons) but this is just a practice run so to speak.




Active Member
Week 2
Like stated above, replaced both plants on the left. The Trainwreck and BG/Diesel started budding up ever so slightly.



Active Member
Week 3. Lots of yellowing in the lower fan leaves. I have read and I assume they should start doing this naturally, but not at this fast of a rate. Its probably because of my new fert schedule, or lack of a solid feeding schedule. I hit them at 1/5 what is recommended on the Earth Juice Original Formulas (grow,bloom,catalyst,meta-k,micros).



BG/moon starting to nug up



Active Member
Week 4 (as of yesterday 4/4)
Lots of yellowing on the TW especially. I Upped my fert strength to 1/4 of what is recommended by Earth Juice.

A closer look at BG/Diesel

top view of TW

TW again

Getting plump and juicy, keep it coming ladies..