First attempt at growing in Coco under 1600w's....


Well-Known Member
ahhhh thought there'd be a catch and that it was to good tobe true mate, another thing mate if ya don't mind. What temps are to cold? Only my temps rarely get above 70 even with 1600w running on 18hrs a day, its fukkin mad, i thought I'd be strugglin my bollox off with heat problems but its far from it, could bang another 600 in at this rate lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
dont mind at all mate, i think my tent low this week was 15c /59f i reckon under 10c nd youll have problems well not real probs but your girls wont grow very fast at all.

it'll be a blessing come the record summer were supposed to be havin hahah


Well-Known Member
summer?? whats that ??lol cheers more pics im gonna upload later, been feeding them twice a day on someones recommendation and there loving it, sure they've grown 3"s in 2 days:-P

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
dude have you grown these strains before? do you know much about the stretch they might have? its going to get really full in there. maybe think about a light trim and take the straggler shoots off round the bottom of the plants if their not getting light.

gardens looking really green n healthy tho dude, a little droopy but i guess you wre about to water?



Well-Known Member
yeh they were takin pre watering....all leaves are pointing up right now ;) yeh i've grown it before, didnt get much sretch at all, 3ft max. Gonna give a little prun and trim lower bits, then a final water before switching mate


Well-Known Member
i dont know i have all kinds of ebb n flow tables and reservoirs and a pump with all kinds of tubing i really don t know which system i will go with might be hyro farm type buckets. to tell you the truth is what ever i can put together the cheapest lol if i have to spend i will but would rather not lol. right now i use a 1 gallon pump spray bottle to water 10 plants little easier then running back and forth with a jug of water i guess i only water every second day though. i used one 50 litre bag of mo koko (the big bag) for ten plants. and i just started 6 plants with the same amount which will get more when i repot b4 i turn 12 12. ur plants r looking really good & scrumptious:weed:


Well-Known Member
just wondering how many bags you used to fill your pots and did you put anything at the bottom for drainage , i had to flush my plants a few weeks back and had a hard time getting them to drain took over a week of constant adjusting till they got bone dry. what size pot did you end up using


Well-Known Member
it took 3 x 50litre bags mate, there in 11litre pots.....couple of them have trays under them, but i never get run-off even tho i give them 2litres of drink a day so i didnt bother buying any more trays

mr west

Well-Known Member
still got perhaps a week or so left ti strech some more lol. My bubblelicious stretched 10" in one weekend not good if u go away and hadnt raised the light enough lol was cool tho jus bent her back undeer the light npo harm really lol.


Well-Known Member
cheers oscar.....cant wait either, they all seem tobe thrivving so far!!took a few cuttings the other day while trimming, wasn't to arsed about them so just followed my nans old technique of simply putting them in a cup of water and leaving them on the window edge and there all rooting...they look healthy as fuck lol gonna grow a big fukoff mother and try my hands at hydroponics next me thinks...i did a single plant in an NFT set up when i was about 16 and got 16oz off the fukker lol, same strain i'm growing now oddly enough. IWS this time tho i think.


Well-Known Member
more pictures of growth....ive decided to put the plants around the edges on top of upside down pots to give it a stadium effect hopefully giving a better spread all round, it seems to be doing the trick;-) as for the 2 afgans in the bath tub, i'm gonna be giving those to mate to grow as there gettin to tall compared to the rest and fukking up the canopy...them sativas do an half grow tall man!!

