First attempt at growing in Coco under 1600w's....


Well-Known Member
2nd grow....but first attempt at using coco, so far so good!! got 13 skunk No1 and 2 afgan under 1600w, 400 of which is MH. There in 6litre pots at the mo, soon to be re-potted into 11litre ones before switching to 12/12.. On with the pics, enjoy:leaf:



Well-Known Member
Cheers lads..loving it to so far to and if it yields anything like my last one which was in soil using Canna Bio range i'll be loving it even more! gonna switch to 12/12 when they get to 22"s..canny wait

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
lookin good inky man, looks like its going to be a good show, mh on top of the hps nice work.

ill be interested in the bio range se how it works out!



Well-Known Member
ezay Don, I'm actually using Coco for this grow mate along with canna A&B and hydrozyme. So far I'm convinced that my last grow using soil and Bio products easily out performed my current grow. I'm doing everything the same growing-wise (apart from the 400 MH) so I guess I'll see at the end?!?! Done my final re-pot today into 11litre pots, what a mission!! gonna wait till they get to around 22"s and flip the switch ;p

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
not long till you push the button eh! you ever think about a perpetual grow?

i reckon when its all said n done youll be a coco convert mate, i know im never going back to mud.


Well-Known Member
Yeh I was all set for a perpetual at the end of my last one mate, would have been on my 3rd now!! but because of smell leaks a had to put a hold on it until i'd re-done my room properly, even this is just half of it next tents gonna be 2x2...and ill use the one im in now for vegging, gonna take plenty of cuttings couple of days into flower. Few pics from today, I moved the lights about a little to try and give a more even spread....



Well-Known Member
Anyone else find it difficult to get run-off in coco?? i'm poaring 2litres into 11litre pots and getting nothing?? this normal?? and also, can you over water coco?? i've heard mixed opinions.... 1 more thing, little and often or loads when dry?? 20 questions lol

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
ah yeah my bad i forgot bout ya smell issues. i dont have any run off but i think im in the minority i dont see why you need to run off anything!? water the right amount for your girls and put the right amount of nutes in = job done in my opinion but you know what they say bout opinions and arseholes eh...

its very hard to over water coco, id say only if you have drainage probs is it possible coco is so light the water runs through it easy enough.

re little lots vs lots less is a good question i toyed with both but the better results came with less and often ( think hydro is like 2-4 times a day ) the roots like air just as much as water fella!



Well-Known Member
cheers for the reply bruv.....think im gonna switch to 'less more often' cus they seem to be growing at a slow rate at the minute considering the amount of watts there under :-?

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
aye furry muff fella! i wouldnt worry too much while their in veg as long as the node space is short their doing champion your better off with shorter plants and long buds than stretched girls with bits of bud up them imo ;)


Well-Known Member
Nice one West! Cheers for the advice Lordj...gonna flip em next monday i rekon, did a little super cropping today so wana let them adjust a little before the switch, ideally i'd like em to reach 22". I grew this strain before and did the same then and managed to keep them well below 4 foot, only thing different here is i'm using coco and i've added the MH. ;)