First attempt at DWC. Advice please!


Active Member
Very helpful! Probably explains why they look light green and rather thin along the stem and leafs. Thanks BigzThis is the one I have in soil. Looks great thus far :)


Well-Known Member
Wow they are cannabis. if those are the same plants from earlier pics. Awesome. Looking pretty ok. Like big said there isnt a need to feed until the cotelydon turn yellow. they supply sapling growth nutrients until then.


Active Member

The one in dwc is one of the ones I've had from the start. The once everyone was questioning died long ago. Lol

I'm going to finish out the week with the nutes in res... Then I'll switch to plain water for two weeks then


Well-Known Member
Flip that schedule. They are too young to absorb those nutes every hour they are left in it risks stunting them more. think if we gave alcohol to a baby, the little liver cannot process efficiently. Hope it helps.


Well-Known Member
I use nutes from the start and it doesn't hurt them any. Its only after I don't realize they need to be upped is when they start to go yellow and their growth slows. I hope to correct that with the seedlings I got going now.

Glad to see your plant looks better. But you are feeding too high.

I start off at .2ec for all my plants and I don't get burn showing. Usually after the 2nd or 3rd real node they want something higher like .4


Well-Known Member
Looks good WCT. The one you have in soil looks real healthy, some slight tip curl but lookin good. How long you plan on vegging? You still thinking about sCROGin?


Well-Known Member
Yeah I got nute burn following quarter strength lucas formula. I now use 8th strength nutes and don't have issues. I've had more issues not feeding enough over being scarred from my first time burning plants. Now that I think about it I was starting off at something like 500ppm. Way too high. Its like 200ppm now not even.


Active Member
I knew it. I've been giving the one in the soil plain water... I haven't changed out the res on the dwc yet tho.

Thanks for all the input fellas!

& fuck yeah I'm still going to put in a scrog!
I went and purchased two today that snap onto a 5g bucket... Part of the reason as to why I'm thinking about putting that potted plant into a 3.5 bucket with a 5g mouth. Ya know what I mean? Also because I think the pot is too small period lol I want root space !

I'm seeing the progress day by day :)

She seems to be getting a deeper green

This one here is starting to let a little odor out



Active Member
What I'm trippin on is the fact that I was under the impression that dwc would grow faster than the regular soil way... I'm going to see through this dwc grow and switch to some sort of drip system.


Well-Known Member
It goes a hell of a lot quicker when done right. a 4-5 week veg in soil can be accoplished in 3 weeks of hydro. When they that small its just about sproutin the babbies.


Well-Known Member
What I'm trippin on is the fact that I was under the impression that dwc would grow faster than the regular soil way... I'm going to see through this dwc grow and switch to some sort of drip system.
dude my very first DWC/RDWC (i vegged under a 400W MH in 5 gallon bucket DWC,and after 4 weeks i had a monster plant...then when i switched to flower i converted it to RDWC under a 400W HPS and used 3 3/4 ebb&flow adapters..2 at the bottom with 3/4 black hose and one at the top..the one at the top was connected to my 160 gph sunleaves water pump which flowed from my rez to my other a total of about 8 gallons) and dude it took up about 3/4's of my 4x4x7 grow tent.:D

my nutes were GH Flora Nova Grow/ bottle each..with some added cal/mag during veg..cuz i run R/O water,and some Bud Candy during flower..not sure it helped any..prolly just another gimmick

heres a chart i followd to some extent.

Early Vegging 300 to 400

Full Vegetation 450 to 700

Early Blooming 750 to 950

Full Mature Blooms 1000 to 1600

(this excludes the ppm of your water)

this was taken from an old member of an old post.

but in all honesty i include the ppm of my water sits af around 50ppm..before the R/O system it sits at 1300 ppm well water..with high iron content. was an Indica strain.


Active Member
I appreciate that dtischerd!
I was hoping I wouldn't be needing a ppm meter but clearly I do. I've just been eye balling which isn't working. Lol

But check out the latest!


Well-Known Member
I appreciate that dtischerd!
I was hoping I wouldn't be needing a ppm meter but clearly I do. I've just been eye balling which isn't working. Lol

But check out the latest!

i wouldn't even attempt growing in DWC with out a ph,and ppm meter..that's just me...although their are a couple on this site that use a feeding schedule.

VoidObject comes to mind..personally i think their nuts running hydro on a feeding schedule,and not using a ppm meter.


Active Member
Modular scrog system by scrog solutions is what it is sir Bigz

I have a ph meter at least... But I'm learning here.