First and only plant -- Please help me save it!


This was from bag seed, and I think I put it into 12/12 too early. It was only 5, maybe 6, inches tall at the most, but it had the four nodes and pistols. It doesn't look very healthy, does it? I used a magnifying glass and found what looked like white and black dots (spider mites) and so I sprayed with the tobacco tea the other day. But I'm not sure that's all that's wrong. I haven't added any nutes since planting it with Miracle Grow and some other nutes that were recommended for vegging. It's been on 12/12 now for about two weeks. Please help -- or tell me if it looks too far gone. There is a fan blowing straight on it all the time, about two inches above it. Thank you !



Active Member
looks like its strechin for light, wat u got it under?
you cnt go to 12/12 too early really, some do it straight from seed or clone.


Well-Known Member
+1 littlewing, lack of light looks like your major issue, i'd say a touch of over watering, but that baby needs some more light BAD! stay away from miracle grow! goodluck and keep her going, she just needs more light!


Thank you for your replies. There's only room in this grow box for three u-shaped long flourescents, warm and cold. It's a store-bought three-sided, 3-foot tall grow box and I added a fan to the top to blow into it. I guess I'll look for stronger ones. Also, if I sprayed tobacco spray on the whole thing, and the new growth doesn't have any damage or white or black dots, does that mean the mites are gone and I need not spray anymore? Andy - you said to stay away from Miracle Grow -- what about just some nitrogen? Thanks!