First AG cloning attempt - suggestions?


Well-Known Member
Well it worked for me and I practically killed the plants in the first 12hrs... Still had 80% success lol. Weed is forgiving.


Well-Known Member
That's some good looking Italian Basil you got there brother. You plan on individually packaging those fresh herbs and distributing them to produce marts? =P


Well-Known Member
Well as I said 4/5 clones rooted, however one of te remaining four was too stressed and damaged from the heat and all leaves died. Its roots had broken the rockwool and the stem was still green but I pulled it. I'm curious if it would have grown?

Anyway these are the most recent pics. Well developing roots, however the plants are very stunted due to large variations in temperature. It was 26C last week, and today it was 7C... yay spring?

The plan is to grow one out as a mother, and flower 2 in a ScrOG to keep the stash topped up. I'm looking into seeds but have not decided on anything yet... and more changes are in the air for me as always!

There are some remaining burnt leaves I have now trimmed, however the new growth isnt looking fantastic. They showed roots 2 weeks ago, but I've hardly fed them as yet as my veg nutes are inter-state :/ That will be fixed in the next week, and until then I wll use some general water soluble plant nutrints. What is causing the yellowing round the edges of the leaves? I'm going to flush the res tomorrow as I have not checked the pH is a while.


Well-Known Member
Ok so I flushed the res, added pHd water (around 5.5) and 1 AG nute tab.

I'm wondering if it is time to FIM the 2 plants that will become a ScrOG? They're at their 3rd or 4th node now and have lots of new growth that looks perfect to FIM. Please look at the pictures and give me your opinions!



Well-Known Member
It's more a question of how soon to top or fim them to fill up a 50x80cm screen. Why is topping better than fimming if I'm using 2 plants to fill the screen?


Well-Known Member
Well i didn't say it was better, but its EASIER,

FIM = Fuck I Missed

topp them and you'll be in business, but its up to you i guess


Well-Known Member
Yeah but I'm curious if people have more success filling up a scrog screen with plants that have been FIMed, topped, or just left. I've played round with weed a bit mate, just not indoors/scrog/online. I'm comfortable understanding/doing most things that come up in day to day growing, but want to make choices based on good information and learn from those with experience. I appreciate that you're the only person posting in here, and I understand you don't want to waste your time explaining your opinions, but it would be very helpful if you did.

So I'll FIM, and I'll do it tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Ok I'm confused.

The clones look like mutants, the fan leaf stems are flat, and the leaves are not spread but are close together with very few veins on the leaves. Any ideas anyone?


Well-Known Member
not too sure man, they have been thru hell and bac

they look fine, i have sen weirder plants then that


Well-Known Member
Aight well these 3 feaky lil ladies are interstate travellers like their parents and are now chillin under a mates place till we get his setup built this arvo. We'll see if they sort themselves out once transplanted!


Well-Known Member
Yup rockwool cubes cut to fit the AG pods. Used rockwool so I could remove most when the were transplanted into their aeroish system.


Well-Known Member
i've tried cloning in my AG before but found it to be s huge pain. It takes quite a long time and the clones are very finnicky to keep alive/get started. now the only time i use the AG is when starting a new set of seeds. once i have a good root ball going i move them to dirt.

watch out for damping off or mold growth. it is very common with AG grows. it even strikes when using the AG for its real veggie use.

oh and maybe i overlooked it, but your not using the AG nute tabs are you? they cause all sorts of nasty salt buildup on the roots.


One of the easiest ways to get your clones to root is to use your normal glass shot glass with rapid rooter. Keep about inch water in bottom of glass and i get 100% every time. Takes about 8 maybe 10 days to see first sign of roots. Try it you wont be dissapointed.


Well-Known Member
beautiful clones brother! plan to flower them out in the AG or transplant? i feel like being an ass and not reading your thread until AFTER i post :) i'm a bastard what can i say?!



Well-Known Member
They were given to a mate: 1 is in a 75/25 perlite/vermiculite self watered in the garden, the other 2 are in another homemade dwc and will be a scrog if he can be funked. Thanks for dropping by!