First Aerogarden Grow


Active Member
I know many people posting about aerogarden grow I have grown in many other mediums with good results and bad but hey I was never looking to grow tons of goods but good enough for me to enjoy. So here we go I got an aerogarden off craigslist for 15 bucks and it's the aergarden pro 100 with the seven slots. Ok so I order some new pods and took out the seeds and placed a fem snow white seed I got from one of my buddies. I haven't had a chance to add pics as of yet but all this was done in the matter of three days ago so when I do post pics it will show the first three days and the next three days that have past and by the end of the week I will be posting all further growth. So let's begin It took one day for the seed to sprout out of it's shell and into it's fresh pod and by the next day it was reaching out towards the light and showing it's first sign of fan leaves. By the third day the first set of leaves starting growing a bit more and I haven't fed her anything yet. Now it's the fourth day and it's gotten bigger than before as I said I will be posting pics very soon I will also post pics of what I'm going to be feeding her so any good info or ideas would be great. :leaf:


Well-Known Member
ICKEY420: Welcome. I'll be anxious to see you pics. For growing a small, personal crop, inside I don't think you can beat an A/G. If it's the seven holes model with a three lamps hood and a 24" arm/light stand you should be good to go. I think you'll find it compact, complete, easy to use and economical to operate. If it's one of the newer models you might even have the upgraded lighting program which means you won't have to use a figure eight cord and a remote timer for flowering. Fifty bucks for a seven holes model is a hell of a deal.

A few suggestions before you get too involved: What nutes are you going to use? You can use A/G's nutes up to a point but I've found them to be either too high in nitrogen or deficient in phosphorus and potassium for easy flowering regardless of what light schedule you use. I assume you're growing on the tomato schedule; 16/8? Let me put in a pitch for Technaflora's, "Recipe for Success," because they have worked well for me. Most hydro stores carry them and their $30 sample kit will last you a long time in an A/G. One caution though I would make at this point is if you're not used to working with a tiny hydroponic reservoir, you'll want to check and maintain your pH daily as it can change radically.

You'll also want to change your nutes and clean your reservoir weekly. You'll also want to add a five gallon aquarium air pump, check valve, air line and an air stone. The aeroponic feature of the A/G leaves a lot to be desired for what we grwo. If you're near a 99 cents store you can get everything there but the pump and at less than half price. Wal-Mart has the pump for about $7.00.

Please consider surrounding it with mirrors or lighter weight Mylar reflective panels to recycle the light God and the Edison company gave you. If you angle them correctly you'll get buds all the way down to the planting deck without having to add any extra lighting. A/G sells Mylar skirts to do the same thing now but they're not cheap and I don't know how long they'd last as you'll likely have to remove it every time you service your A/G. I hope you have as much fun with your A/G as my fiends an I do.

I'm always amazed at how fast our plants develop, especially if you don't try to grow more than two or three. Also, be sure to close off the extra holes in the planting deck so you don't get an algae bloom. A/G sells a set of spacers/plugs for that purpose. They're kind of pricey but they do the job and they look a lot better than duct tape. Please keep us posted on your progress. I'll also be interested in your overall opinion of the unit as I've been a fan of theirs for years.


Active Member
Yeah man thanks for all the great info this will be my second grow to be excat my first grow was with bag seed which grew 3 feet tall before they showed signs of male. I must apologize that I haven't post any pics since my last post but I haven't had enough time but I do have them from sprout to now which she's about 6inches tall or a bit more. The nutes I'm using is flora nova bloom and GH organic vegan feed for Growth and roots which is really doing great for my ladies I was thinking about getting the air pump and Mylar but I'm not sure if I should do it now. And I'm only going with one plant now trying to test it out before I go into two per ag but hey I wanted to ask you how many pods did you use and what was your yield. Hope to hear more soon and advice is welcome


Active Member
Today I added new water and nutes to the res and about two hours later I saw some signs of nute burn I quickly flushed and added less nutes to the res and she bounced back to normal still some brown spots but I think she will be ok but she getting big by the moment I just raised the light hood by one notch one of the fan leaves was touching to light and got a bit dry but not to much I will post new pics soon I also added some light reflecting material to keep that light bouncing off the young lady but I have one question for everyone out thier I want to know if anyone has grown snow white in ag and how long before it flowers.


Active Member
Today I added new water and nutes to the res and about two hours later I saw some signs of nute burn I quickly flushed and added less nutes to the res and she bounced back to normal still some brown spots but I think she will be ok but she getting big by the moment I just raised the light hood by one notch one of the fan leaves was touching to light and got a bit dry but not to much I will post new pics soon I also added some light reflecting material to keep that light bouncing off the young lady but I have one question for everyone out thier I want to know if anyone has grown snow white in ag and how long before it flowers.

Hey Ickey she looks good man. Get the pump and air stones. I'd flip to 12/12 now. You don't need a lot of veg time. When you flip she will stretch plenty and fast. How do you check your PH?

Nice and green!


Active Member
Thanks Mr.natural I'm getting the air stones this week but so far all I'm using is the hood that came with the ag and I just placed a cover that goes around the entire ag covered with Mylar I tried to set the lights to 12/12 but it's not taking the settings she's getting bigger by the day and smelling good and not even budding yet I grew her before in a rubbermaid box and it's was great. But I don't really check the ph at all I go by how much I'm feeding her, right she's getting half a teaspoon of each of the GH nutes last time I went a full teaspoon each and instantly she started getting brown spots so I redid the feeding to half and she bounced right back. Last couple of months I grew bag seed to 3ft tall in thier just using the hood but turned ou male booooo males but hello butter lololol but thank you again I'm going to be posting pics tonight so keep your wye out for them.


Active Member
Alright Ickey sounds like a plan. The air pump and stones are common pet supplies, also pick up a PH test kit ( drops), you'll be glad you did.You'll need a timer and 8 shaped cord for the hood, to flip to 12/12. Radio Shack has both cheap

There is really only a couple main issues with hrdro.

1. pH levels gotta be 5.0-7.0
2. Don't let them get too hot.
3. Good lighting.You'll need to help the AG in flower.

If those areas suffer so will your grow......


Active Member
Yeah I just got a timer today and I'm using my figure eight cord from my old xbox lolol works like a charm plus I'm building a grow cab that will be 5th tall and 4th wide in each direction so I'm getting my cfl lights from the hydro store thier like the size of my hand one blue and one red spec plus keeping the ag hood in the cab I just finished hooking up 120m pc fans to a dc jack to make intake and outtake for the cab but I really want to do a project like your cab that's awesome I would watch that tv all day lololol my last grow was in a rubbermaid box and it went well I got about an z but I never topped it I just let it go one main cola all the way I haven't had time to add new pics but she's looking good already.


Active Member
Yeah I just got a timer today and I'm using my figure eight cord from my old xbox lolol works like a charm plus I'm building a grow cab that will be 5th tall and 4th wide in each direction so I'm getting my cfl lights from the hydro store thier like the size of my hand one blue and one red spec plus keeping the ag hood in the cab I just finished hooking up 120m pc fans to a dc jack to make intake and outtake for the cab but I really want to do a project like your cab that's awesome I would watch that tv all day lololol my last grow was in a rubbermaid box and it went well I got about an z but I never topped it I just let it go one main cola all the way I haven't had time to add new pics but she's looking good already.

Alright man I got most of my cfls at home depot, much cheaper than the hydro shop. Get 6500k for veg then switch to 2700k for flower.I've seen some pretty cool grows in those Rubbermaids..Thanks for the props on the cab I'm about to modify a little bigger cab and convert the armoire for veg only...I chopped my girls today. Ever smoke finger hash?


Active Member
I have the seven pod aerogarden but I'm only using one port for this plant but in about four months I'm going to start my new plants in the aerogarden till about one month the plant outdoors for the rest of the grow just to see how well they do outdoors I'm going to be planting ak-48


Active Member
I wish I could get my hands on that strain I'm going to post pics later tonight and she's just about three weeks old and looking good and smelling great.


Active Member
I started on 12/12 already but the let I'm naot sure about on how to go about that part I'm almost done with my grow cab all I need now is Mylar and something to hold up the AG light hood and I'm also going to put in a few CLF in the thier give it that us and red spectrum and see what happens but I can't wait for the warm temps to start outside.


Active Member
Thanks man she's looking pretty good and when the light is on for a while she really smells up the place really good and she hasn't started to bud