First actual encounter of Obama Care


Well-Known Member
Regardless of the stupidity of their signs, at least they can spell.

Want me to cherry pick some signs that Obama's "people" protest with (ie. attach to their spears)??
Go for it ..We can have a contest as to which side has the dumbest sign...and why would they have signs attached to spears ??


Well-Known Member
My insurance is through my girlfriend's employer and they pay $750/mo premium for the two of us, but every year they jack the price up and the company (even before obama) either has to pay more or downgrade the policy. Last year they raised co-pays instead of paying more, this year they added it so they only cover 80% of procedures so somehow I get to pay for 20% of this:


Well-Known Member
You guys, Canada has a two tiered health system. Public and Private.
If you choose not to wait for the public system there are private options
that can be used.
Your private sector arose from a need that your public system couldn't handle. It's growing rapidly as it is in other countries with universal health, at least those countries whose government allows it.

Countries that have universal health care are discovering rationed care and long wait times and private insurance is fixing that. Here, we are fixing the private sector with more government.

IDK the answer, but maybe a universal catastrophic coverage only would drop costs. VAs could be used as a free clinic and funded from defense funds. Allowing the hospitals to turn away non-emergency patients would be a huge start, EMTALA is an awful law.