First 600w grow, Blackwater clones


Active Member
Whats happnin rollitup. First time post here and wanted to share my second grow. First time around was a single plant DWC/drip closet grow with cfls. IMG_0077.jpgIMG_0275.jpg(from seed:Sharksbreath)

Now that I got that down some I think I can handle a bit more :weed:

Growlab 4x4 tent
Blockbuster 6" reflector
Quantum 600w eballast:
Plantmax MH veg​
Hortilux Super HPS flower​
9 5-gal buckets
6 recirculating dwc/drip (undercurrent/waterfarm design)--10 gal reservoir​
3 standalone dwc/drip (connected)​
everything is connected by 1" tubing

Strain: Blackwater

Using GH nutes (flora+full line) for 6 bucket system, got some freebies of Humboldt nutes 3-part so im going to try those out in the 3 buckets(plus adding rest of full line except hydro-duece and ginormous).


picked up last weekend (4/6) with little roots showing through bottom of rockwool, and been 18/6 since sunday. Had some major ph problems these first few days so some look to had some nutrient deficiency/lockout a little. But they are starting to look better now--fixed the nutes and ph.

Took these today (day 6), all 6 are showing roots through net pots. But the other 3 are a little slower and nothing yet (had worst ph problem)
Using GH nutes at 1/4 strength and HN at 1/2 strength. Keeping ppm around 400 for now (both systems) (ph 5.8-6).

Running lights at night to even out these warm temps soon to come.
Temps been 73-78 F lights on and 66-70 F off and RH 60-70%




Active Member
alright. Well, battling hot temps the past few days. going to have to invest in a portable A/c or something). Also humidity, started venting the tent more often, did spot some powder mildew one plant #1 on two fan leaves, very minor. Went ahead and chopped both leaves and sprayed all plants with Bon-neem (fungicide,miticide,insecticide/has neem oil...all i had at the moment and didn't feel like waiting till the next day).
----just to make things straight (when i refer to the plants #1-6 (gen hydro setup), 7-9 (humboldt) (check pic below for reference)

Today starts Week 3
Changed out nutrients, about ~800ppm Gen hydro (being half strength, going up by 1/4) and ~700 ppm Humboldt (being full strength+1/2 for week 2 of their feed chart.) PH sticking around 5.8-6
All 1-6 plants are doing great and grew a lot the past week. But 7-9 are a lot smaller, not as full i guess you can say compared to 1-6.
I also added 2 exhale co2 bags last week to help a little. seems to be.

All are showing nice roots through the nets, but some with brown spots is some areas, thinking start of root rot? (probably from high temps)


4--3 (reference to plant #)
5 2
6 1---reservoir

oh and just a little opinion/observation: not really liking the humboldt line, funky working with ph (or its just me), very murky water/smelly too compared to GH, and foamy sometimes, not too bad though. Also leaves behind a lot of residue. Yeah I mean GH leaves some brown slime n whatnot, but humboldt just leaves everything. Seems like everything making the water murky, just settles down at the bottom. (ill try and get some pics of that stuff next week) Just my thoughts for now.

:eyesmoke:Happy 4/20 bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
yo this is actually one of my top strains to grow, i grew her a year back outdoors and indoor, and the outdoor blackwater was way bomber then the indoor hands down, cant compete with nature lol, anywayz im actually vegging some black water clones that i was able to get my hands on,apparently this blackwater pheno leans more towards the og then the sweet purple fruit punch side.

anways your set up looks great! let me know how your pheno is
lol on the mushroom, curious on the strain? geussing it was grown with the casing technique? nice


Active Member
thanks, will keep you posted how they come out.
penis envy for the mooshy strain, potent as hell. Yeah, used casing tek. that guy was about a 7g dry if i can remember.

Here some pics of the Humboldt foam (not too bad there)/ and ph meter after a test.
checked ph today, and 7-9 swung up to 7.0


Active Member
April 26--Day 21

Today starts week 4
New nutes, GH-ppm1330, Humboldt- ppm 950, PH-5.8-6.0
Installed window a/c unit today to help cool the room down with these hot temps coming.
No problems so far this week. Just a little powder mildew on #9 on small lower leaves, easily controlled.

#4, seems to be the smallest out of all of them right now

-----------------#Reference ( 8 )
#7-9 ( 7 9 )
this is all the stuff that settles out of the Humboldt nutes after a few days.
IMG_0347.jpgdoesnt seem as bad in the pic, but theres a lot of shit down there
starts a little foamy at first then settles out a bitIMG_0348.jpgsmells like a swamp's ass :spew:
compared to the 6 pots, GH is running real clean this time around. Just a little of the brown slime it leaves, but very little right now.

Comments n suggestions appreciated
thanks for lookin


Well-Known Member
This should be awesome plus i'm interested in Blackwater, I'll be hanging around :blsmoke:
Also thats a nice looking Mush in your avi, I've heard PE was pretty potent. I'll be running some cubes this summer also :lol:
Keep up the nice work


Active Member
thanks man. pretty potent is an understatement :lol:. PE is proly the most intense cube i've ever encountered/grew :eyesmoke:.

more info on equipment used:

30 some gallon container to mix nutes/h2o before dump. and help dump waste water/nutes.
6" Vortex Fan (hood)
6" Max fan 3-speed (tent exhaust)
Bloom Brother Hydro Halo 6" (watering ring)(only on #1-6)


Active Member
little update:

Last night I found some more Powder Mold. Still very small spots. Only places I have found it are on the lowest leaves. (seems not enough air flow down there/and really moist, now running tent exhaust fan more often to lower RH) Also got some PM Wash and sprayed them down- see how it is once lights on today. probably will be using this for the next few weeks into flowering.

Will be adding 2 2ft HO T5 strips in the back corners to help with supplement light once I switch to 12/12 next week.

And to help reservoir temps from getting so hot. I'm going to get 4 2liter bottles and fill them with water and freeze. Once frozen, put 1-2 in the main reservoir. and switch out those everyday. (really don't want to buy a water chiller) (still thinking on using smaller bottles maybe)

now just need to figure out how to mount these clip fans in each corner :confused:


Active Member

flushed whole system with florakleen and used florashield as a root soak/dunk. also added an air stone in reservoir. flipped to 12/12. keeping MH for a week till switch to HPS. switched t5 6400 to 3000k.

Threw some Hygrozyme into the mix.
GH-1440ppm 2.9EC
H-960 ppm 2.0 EC (following feeding chart somewhat, doesnt seem too accurate corresponding to what they say what the ppms should be, on the low side)

temps are staying 78 highest and 66 lowest. RH40-55%

More Powder mold. but always on the lower inner most leaves(on plants furthest from fans), just 3-5 leaves or so. Adding another fan for circulation today (2 on floor). and still using PM wash. seems to work alright.

added 3 2ft T5's in the corners.



Active Member

week 2 flower

New nutes, GH- 1380ppm 2.8 EC. Humboldt- 1010ppm 2.0 EC (both 5.8-6.0 ph)

More powder mold issues earlier in the week. placed 2 more fans in the tent(needed better circulation) and also picked up some SNS 244 fungicide. Sprayed that 2 days ago. This spray burnt a lot of the young growth, but most of the older growth dont seem phased by it. But other than that seems to be doing the job pretty well. I have been removing each fan leaf at signs of PM.

lil preflower :hump:

will probably be adding more lights (T5 or LED) on the right side over 7-9 and move the reflector more over 1-6 to the left.

sorry would take more detailed pics but im beat
keep you all posted :joint:


Active Member

switched MH to HPS and also added a 2ft 4 t5 lamp to help (2 3000k 2 6500k bulbs)
new nutes: GH-1330ppm 2.7EC. Humboldt-1160ppm 2.3EC.
RH:40-48% Temps 79F max lights on and 65F low lights off.

Reservoir and buckets seem to be very clean this time around, not much slime or anything.
more Powder mold :cuss:
picked up some Serenade and going to give that a go for the next few weeks, if that doesnt do too well will probably try out Greencure for weeks closer to harvest. probably need more fans too. how many fans do I need?



Active Member

Day 21
Week 4

nutes: GH- 1260ppm 2.5 ec
Humboldt- 1010ppm 2.0 ec​


Day 27
Week 5

Nutes: GH-1400ppm 2.8 ec
Humboldt- 1000ppm 2.0 ec

Little late of an update, works been crazy. But I pulled two of the corner plants out of the GH setup leaving #1,2,3,5. Was getting a little crowded and they weren't doing so well. Other then that they've been growing like crazy (having to tie down a lot of things). Still dealing with PM, picked up some Greencure and have been spot spraying daily and made a little more airflow to the top, seems to be doing fine. (only thing it burns the pistils a little bit as shown in below pic)


Day 34
Week 6

Nutes: GH- 1150ppm 2.3 ec
Humboldt- 1000ppm 2.0 ec

Added some more lights, another 2 foot 4 T5 setup, and a home-made reflector to add some more light. Startin to smell real good.

