First 4 weeks...

I'm looking for the best advice on how to keep plants healthy within the first four weeks from seed. specific questions would be when should i fertilize and whats the best for this time of growth. when should i take them off a 24hr light schedule. whats the best size container to grow them out of for 4 months... humidity, temperature...etc.
I'm looking for the best advice on how to keep plants healthy within the first four weeks from seed. specific questions would be when should i fertilize and whats the best for this time of growth. when should i take them off a 24hr light schedule. whats the best size container to grow them out of for 4 months... humidity, temperature...etc. I feel like a stressed out mom
Totally understandable the stressed mom thing. I'm always stressing because I'm a newb and everything seems like a big deal. Like with first time parents. Anyways, I found a few videos that are posted in the newbie section to be very helpful to me for these basic beginner questions. You can also find them on Youtube. I forget what they are called but one of them is a 3parter and it's a movie by hightimes with some dude named Jorge I think. He's pro. I reccomend checking these videos out.

Hope they help and good luck,



Well-Known Member
I'm looking for the best advice on how to keep plants healthy within the first four weeks from seed. specific questions would be when should i fertilize and whats the best for this time of growth. when should i take them off a 24hr light schedule. whats the best size container to grow them out of for 4 months... humidity, temperature...etc. I feel like a stressed out mom
I start all my seeds on 18/6 and there they stay til flowering...but if you are just vegging...and we are talking about only for the first 4 weeks then the best advice I can give is have a fan, Make sure to only water when the cup or pot they are in is feather light...and don't feed until they have at least 2 sets of serrated leaves.


Well-Known Member
Try to keep the temp between 70-80 degrees F. And humidity isn't that big of a deal until flowering unless it is so high that you have standing water, or a lot of condensation buildup...if the humidity is that high then you can get all manner of mold and mildew and fungi...but just normal room feeling humidity is alright in want it a little lower in flower to avoid bud rot, but I don't keep a check on my humidity, so I am assuming it is

Another great thing to think about as one of the most important things for the first 4 weeks is the type of soil you will use...I use Fox Farms Ocean Forest or Roots Organic...both of them will feed for 2 weeks - a month without you ever having to think about feeding them so that takes away a lot of my anxiety when starting plants of many types. I prefer FFOF myself, but Roots is just as good I have to feed earlier with the Roots though.


Well-Known Member
Try to keep the temp between 70-80 degrees F. And humidity isn't that big of a deal until flowering unless it is so high that you have standing water, or a lot of condensation buildup...if the humidity is that high then you can get all manner of mold and mildew and fungi...but just normal room feeling humidity is alright in want it a little lower in flower to avoid bud rot, but I don't keep a check on my humidity, so I am assuming it is

Another great thing to think about as one of the most important things for the first 4 weeks is the type of soil you will use...I use Fox Farms Ocean Forest or Roots Organic...both of them will feed for 2 weeks - a month without you ever having to think about feeding them so that takes away a lot of my anxiety when starting plants of many types. I prefer FFOF myself, but Roots is just as good I have to feed earlier with the Roots though.
I vote for one month before feeding if FF OF. Water only until then and the plant will not be bad off.


Well-Known Member
I vote for one month before feeding if FF OF. Water only until then and the plant will not be bad off.
at least a month before feeding a plant in is some powerful stuff for a larger amount of time than people give it credit for.


New Member
im using general organics line up of nutes, i start with heavy feed from the moment soil breaks. distilled water until then. but yea i havent had any problems yet.
and i use soil suprising to most people
i tried a rockwool germ and paper towl.....
wasted 6 seeds in doing so. the first one to spprout was my soil, since then ive had everyone of my bagseeds sprout.

Grown n Oregon

Active Member
i use FFOF as well along with Happy Frog and after my ladies leave the cloner and are planted in soil, i wait a couple days and start feeding it SuperNatural Grow Terra vegg food @ 400-600ppms twice a week. they will shoot from the 6-8 inch range to 12-18 inches in under 2 weeks. its one of the best vegg nutes ive ever used and believe me, ive used just about every kind out there.