FireSmurf's Weed Pics - Can the pro pro's tell?


Active Member
Hi again... So after repositioning my 3 remaining 'female' :) plants, i decided to post more pics, so u can see i still have quite a lot of space for height remaining as the 2 males were coinsidently the only ones i didnt do any LST to. (lol did the LST help them become female?).

I also took a clear pic of one of my females. I can clearly see those magic white hairs.

Im quite pleased so far and i hope my clones, (currently on 18/6), get their roots soon and then im on the way with 4 more females.

More to come...



Well-Known Member
Its going to take around 2 weeks for your clones to root. I just took my first attempt at clones 2 weeks ago. My 3 clones' lower 2 fan leaves are turning yellow. I've read that this means they're taking root. I dont know for sure though, we shall see.


Active Member
Its going to take around 2 weeks for your clones to root. I just took my first attempt at clones 2 weeks ago. My 3 clones' lower 2 fan leaves are turning yellow. I've read that this means they're taking root. I dont know for sure though, we shall see.

Making some progress, flowering phase started 3rd march, now since i identified the 3 girls, 21st march, here are the latest pics from today... They are currently resting in the dark.

More to come... Let me know what you think, if anyone can tell strain and if you think they are slow growing, fast or whatever.




Active Member
Thanks for the feedback :)

GanjaFarmaa... please, what do u mean by 40%? are you referring to the current yield? or do u mean 40% indica 60% sativa?


Also, i believe the first pic is different type compared to the other 2 closeups, what do you think, or still to early to tell?


Active Member
Hi again...

They are looking lovely :)

Feedback welcome on the latest pics. Do you think you can identify any of the 3 closeups pics better now they are more developed?

I love how the topping and LST has worked out, there are so many tops and they are swelling up nicely. I see some buds are getting more darker hairs than others, so im wondering now how much longer for the 3 big girls.

Notice also in the general pic, you can see 4 new pots, the 2 on the right are already on 12/12 and doing nice: i expect they will have less buds, but bigger ones. the other 2 of the 4 small pots are going to remain on 18/6 till they get much bigger.( i simlpy take them out of the main box for an additional lighting period under some desk lamps.

So hopefully i will have a nice flow of supply soon and i can take clone from the veging ones once they are big enough. Thats 7 female plants and doing pretty good thanks to a bit of reading, some air, water and light and of course to the friendly hint n tips from you all. :D

Let me know what u think everyone.

Thanks for reading!



Well-Known Member
Looking good bro! It's hard to tell how far along they are. If your like me, I dont keep track of how long my plants have been in flowering and what not. If you have a pocket microscope ($12.99 @ radioshack) you can check the trichomes with it. When the trichomes start to turn from cloudy to amber. You should flush your plants.

I dont have a microscope so i just guess. I flushed this lady yesterday, shes going to get chopped in 2 weeks.



Active Member
Nice buds mate!

Actually, i made some notes as i went along, totally basic, but allows m to remember exactly what I did:

germination starts 2nd Jan (planted 9 random seeds, 5 grew and 3 were girls, called paul, ipo and luigi) i know they are not girls names, but i gave both girls and boys names to the 9 plants :)
veg starts 10th Jan 18/6 cycle
flower strats 3rd Mar 12/12 cycle
nutes starts 6th Mar - 2 X week 1/4 strength
21st mar - confirmed 3 girls!
22nd Mar - clones: 2 pauls, 1 ipo, 1 luigi
15th Apr - clones: 1 ipo, 1 luigi - potted & placed in 12/12
21th Apr - Clones: 2 pauls, potted & placed in 18/6

Thats the latest.

Cheers guys.


Well-Known Member
ah ok, good stuff. Shit, so a few of your girls have been in the flower chamber for 7/8 weeks or so. I would flush them. Use 2-3 gallons of plain water. After you flush them you wont want to feed them anymore nutes. Point of the flush is to the plants to use up its stored nutrients, getting rid of any nasty chemical taste. Dont be alarmed if your fan leaves start turning yellow.

Also, some people swear by using molasses with flushing. Just add 2 tbs of molasses everytime you water after flushing. Im no pro but hope this helps.


Active Member
Nice info, thanks...

After flushing.... How long should I continue watering without nutes? I believe I also need to not water them at all for 1 or 2 weeks before I cut them down, right?

From the pics i provided , can you tell if they should be flushed then, or you judged that simply from the time table I wrote above?

So harvest time appears closer than I thought! :D


Active Member
Congrats on the first grow! Buds are lookin tasty:joint:
Thanks bro...

Here are the latest pics of my 3 girls. I think they are looking good but...

Further advice is welcome as im still not 100% certain if they look ready enough to flush or not. There are still flowers forming at the bottom of the plants, which are not developed yet. If I wait for them, do I run a risk of the upp[er ones from like over-developing?

thx again.



Well-Known Member
You should water your plant without nutes for 7-14 days, your preference. I suggested flushing just from the time table you gave me. It looks like your fan leaves are starting to yellow, so flowering stage is starting to wind down. Maybe another week then flush?

Also, with your question about the bottome part of the plant. You can harvest the top of the plant and allow the bottom to finish up. This is not uncommon.

Man, biggest thing i've learned about growing is there is no set way to do things. Everyone does things different, its all experience. Happy growing.


Well-Known Member
Oh and the no water for 1-2 weeks before harvest is just an urban legend/myth type thing. I've seen FDD (real experienced grower) answer someones exact same question. Give her water when she wants it :)


Active Member
Good stuff then Rhymes...

No worries my friend...

If its safe and won't hinder the remaining flowers, i will cut the buds im happy with off, then raise the plant higher so the lower forming flowers, (which will be more exposed to light) can grow better than allowing them to grow hiden under all the rest of the plant as it currently is.

So next week I will flush and do that then, if there are no objections :P
