Firecracker buds?


Well-Known Member
What happened is my cousin brought me some plants a couple months ago and he just digs up dirt from outside, so I got thrips. By the time I figured out what the problem was, I had an infestation. There isnt any hydro shops around so Lowes was the only place I found an organic pesticide for fruits ands veggies that can be used up to the day of harvest. Its the Garden Safe brand, it killed all the bugs so it works, but here is my issue: The buds are full of little sparkles when you light it. I even attempted to rush dry a bud in the microwave and it caught on fire!!!! So, does anyone think the sparkles are caused by metals in the pesticide or is it the exploding dead bodies of thrips???? Any ideas???


Well-Known Member
exploding dead bugs, and the smoke will taste ordinary.
Thats actually kinda a relief. Ive taken care of the bug problem, but was concerned about using the pesticide again if it contained metals. Im happy to know it dont. Water curing helped with the exploding at least.
Thanks BUDS!