Firearm posession


Well-Known Member
Hey guys....

This is something that has been bothering me since I considered growing.

If you are caught with a grow and also have firearms on the same property is there an automatic federal weapons charge? Are there additional state charges or does that vary depending on the state you live in? If the gun is unloaded and in storage on the property do you still face weapons charges?

If you were hypothetically growing MJ, would you store a gun on the property?

Thanks for the opinions.


Well-Known Member
Hey guys....

This is something that has been bothering me since I considered growing.

If you are caught with a grow and also have firearms on the same property is there an automatic federal weapons charge? Are there additional state charges or does that vary depending on the state you live in? If the gun is unloaded and in storage on the property do you still face weapons charges?

If you were hypothetically growing MJ, would you store a gun on the property?

Thanks for the opinions.
Hypothetically, I have loaded guns, I have found they do not work without bullets.

I would say it depends on what state you live in...

Here in SmelLA, you show LAPD your documentation and they are on their way.

It might be different where you live. But they leave legal grows alone around here.

P.S. -> Don't show the cops your guns :blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
Hypothetically...I keep guns.The state says I can grow my MMJ and the constitution gives me the right to keep a firearm for protection.
What I don't understand is if you commit a crime with a firearm in your's an added charge, a felony, and the federal government doesn't really allow us to grow.So to them it's illegal, which makes the gun possesion worse.
But, since my grow is legal in my state ,I try not to worry about it...I live in the country, lots of hunting land and we all own guns.
The CCW is what gets me...I don't want to have to show my permit for any reason and have my MMJ card show up...I don't think I'm allowed to have a CCW and a MMJ I no longer carry a gun...but thats a different issue I guess.
Good luck...don't give up your right to own a gun man, I love my guns...I sleep with


Well-Known Member
no post from japan yet??
Why do you care, stop baiting everywhere...

To the OP:

I own guns and have a legal grow, I think about leaving them at a storage unit but have them in a gun safe unloaded. I try to keep the safe locked all the time, so it's not like I could use a weapon in any sort of home invasion (not from the police). The people in my state said "as long as I have all the proper permits for the weapons I can have them and do whatever the permit will allow me to do with it". So they made it sound like I was good to go and could even have a CCW.

What i wonder is if I were to apply for a CCW if my MMJ would show up and not allow me to have one. Which I have heard happening in internet rumor. Anyone gone and got a gun permit of any sort and have your MMJ show up? It would suck and I think would be/should be illegal, but who knows...JR


Well-Known Member
outdoor, maybe leave the guns at home. if u are being investigated and watched, if they know youre armed out there, when the DEA bust u ( drug dealer armed) good chance theyll shoot you, as they have been shot at before by growers . What u going to do shoot at police?, leave it at home.


Good question, i have been wondering this as well. But i kinda figured since i had the question that i was fucked heh.


Active Member
What about guns and Meds?..JR
Doctor prescribed meds or medical marijuana? If its marijuana, the feds don't care if its for medical or recreational use. If its prescribed meds and the feds are looking at you then more than likely (I would assume) they are going to try pinning distribution on you and try to prove you were selling your meds or something.


Well-Known Member
Depends On the state and the circumstances ...My 12 Gauge Is literally Grab-able as is the ammo RIGHT NOW!! :0 Dun fack with my constitution It says what it says for good reason ..And until The constitution becomes amended as they did with Prohibition Of booze For Cannabis Cannabis laws are bullshit made-up fairy tales with no foundation In real law :)

Indeed Don't show the cops your guns or even mention them around them ...unless of course you just shot a burglar


Well-Known Member
Doctor prescribed meds or medical marijuana? If its marijuana, the feds don't care if its for medical or recreational use. If its prescribed meds and the feds are looking at you then more than likely (I would assume) they are going to try pinning distribution on you and try to prove you were selling your meds or something.
MJ is all i need, F all those pills, they are the real enemy..
Well they can look all they want, I don't sell, or give it away or anything but what the law says i can do. I understand Federal laws and all the mandatory minimums. But if i have someone from my state capital telling me "I'm OK" is it really that bad to be doing?

And your question brings up a good point, what if i had a scip. for something super heavy, like Morphine or something good and strong like that, is it cool to have guns (your opinion and the law) ? I would rather have a stoner with a gun than a pill head, just my thoughts...JR


Well-Known Member
Indeed Don't show the cops your guns or even mention them around them ...unless of course you just shot a burglar
Agreed, cops in colorado stole half my gun collction. An gave me 50 $ possesion ticket.
But at least I didnt get the Gun+drugs charge.
Took about 5000$ in guns an left the ugly cheep ones.
Turns out they were "destroyed at the officers request, befor a trial, an no proof they were ever entered into evidence.
I told the DA, he laughed at me. An i didnt want to end up shot with my own gun by crooked cops so I droped it.
Still cant believe my wife let em in the door........................


Well-Known Member
police raided one of my mates grows took 100 plants that had vedged for 16 weeks!!! some one grassed him up, a mate aperantly, i seen the charge sheet it sed "suspicions of firearms at premises [machine guns]" sed he would of got lifed off[obviously]
if he stood to make 50 grand but spent 20 years in jail hed of earnt wot... few pounds a day?
id make a choice.... one or the other, not both, i bet theres LOTS of people shot by accident in america if shit hits the fan and they find out your a smoker, legal or not id imagine a shit load of people asking for your head
btw are machne guns legal in america?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys....

This is something that has been bothering me since I considered growing.

If you are caught with a grow and also have firearms on the same property is there an automatic federal weapons charge? Are there additional state charges or does that vary depending on the state you live in? If the gun is unloaded and in storage on the property do you still face weapons charges?

If you were hypothetically growing MJ, would you store a gun on the property?

Thanks for the opinions.
It is a FEDERAL crime to possess a firearm while in the commission of a felony. It is an automatic charge tacked on to any grow-op with guns.


Well-Known Member
what is it with americans and guns? just cause you have the right to own one doesnt mean you have to =O round here, we fight like gladiators. close up and personal

btw, can anyone get me a gun?


Well-Known Member
Hey guys....

This is something that has been bothering me since I considered growing.

If you are caught with a grow and also have firearms on the same property is there an automatic federal weapons charge? Are there additional state charges or does that vary depending on the state you live in? If the gun is unloaded and in storage on the property do you still face weapons charges?

If you were hypothetically growing MJ, would you store a gun on the property?

Thanks for the opinions.
Growing and Possesion of MJ is still a Federal crime. So you do open yourself up to a whole new can of worms....if they want to be dicks about it...


Well-Known Member
btw are machne guns legal in america?
in some states they have Assault Weapon Bans Not all of them you can look it up on wikipedia I think there used to be a federal Assault Weapon Ban That is now expired And replaced with local laws