

Well-Known Member
i used to be a little pyro when i was younger but i guess thats something u grow out of as you mature


Well-Known Member
Im not sure if i really want to know the answer but i gots to know now,why do you burn & melt things when your fuked up,whats the attraction ?


Well-Known Member
I speant a year once, just puffing zol and playing with candles. The way the flames dance is mesmerising, dripping hot wax on your hands - its just not hot enough to hurt you.

I could stare into a wood fire forever. Stoned or not - You can see hell - but not in a bad way, you can imagine people walking around in there. Its another world staring into a fire. Don't let my website fool you Principles of Flight, Principles of Light, Principles of Might! - I am actually a fire sign in disguise.