Fire safety/Flame defender


Active Member
I like the concept of having a fire suppression system in house for grow room. However, after looking at the flame defender unit I am skeptical. It only sprays the bottom. Flames above would not be dealt with. Flames rise but also lights are a primary source for a fire. Obviously they are above. Anyone know if fire suppression systems that are more practical for grow rooms?
hey there, I agree that the flame defender is a worthless product like the many that sunlight supply's sells. I use a fire suppression system used in dragsters and funny cars, its made by a company called stround and I bought mine from I bought the 9352 system and I was around 700 dollars with shipping. I haven't used it thank god.


Well-Known Member
You hang it from you roof, therefore it would be above everything... You shouldn't create a fire hazard and you wouldn't need this.. Keep everything cleaned, and nicely organized like cords and stuff and ull be fine... Unless u overload a circuit with wrong wireing or something.


Active Member
You hang it from you roof, therefore it would be above everything... You shouldn't create a fire hazard and you wouldn't need this.. Keep everything cleaned, and nicely organized like cords and stuff and ull be fine... Unless u overload a circuit with wrong wireing or something.
Many of us have small grow rooms with limited room for stuff above lights. I do not have room to put it above lights. I agree with you about organized and clean.


Active Member
In that case, I would put it above my cab.
Its an attic grow. The roof is all that is above light. It would not do much good anyway having it dump on roof of a cab anyway. The fire would be inside being feed by intake and would probably be able to overcome earlier fire suppressor dump now on floor outside of cab. Something like a pressurized sprinkler that shot horizontal instead of just down would be more practical and applicable for most.


Well-Known Member
[youtube]3OOUEZuTvZQ[/youtube] safety must be above light and setup, flames rise, water and fire suppression powder falls down.. i would set it up so something like this can go you can sleep at night, and when your at work not have to worry about burning your house down, or dogs or whatever resides with you


Active Member
The issue is these units will not fit. I have a roof/attic grow. My light is 4" from ceiling giving me about 48" from light to floor. Those suppressors do not fan out. They angle down and not fan out more like a standard water suppression system would. I could mount it the same level as light but it would not work with that unit. As I said, as far as a cabinet "enclosed" spraying powder on top of that unit would do little for fire inside.