Fire in the hole! 15 Timewreck super soil pheno hunt


Well-Known Member
In a way no job around here is worth it. Sucks one has to be drug tested just to flip burgers. A job is a job but minimum wage and little hours because of the obamacare bill. Bah.

Surely you're not smoking these stronger plants like tobacco are you? If so that is a hell of a tolerance, to much for me


Well-Known Member
Nah just commercial stuff :) I tend to smoke off and on all day though, so yeah I got a tolerance. I'm hoping the timewreck I won't be able to do that with ;)


Well-Known Member
Cleared... *multi-paragraph obamacare rant deleted*

I finally planted the last of the surviving cuttings... I did really well, ended up with 23 cuttings surviving so far... I'd say about 2/3-3/4 survived this time. I got cuts of all the chernojills except the runt now. If she's something special I'll have to reveg. No CCM cuttings survived... got all but the last few timewrecks into flower.

My photos of the one plant turned out like shit.. will take more tomorrow when I pull her out of the dark. She is a Bloodwreck pheno with the classic chernobyl/timewreck crystal covering you expect... trichs covering the small bud fan leaves and tacoing out on the large fan leaves. Bud leaves just covered in resin. Crossing my fingers she's going to be like she looks, one of those 23-26% phenos. So far the others have trichs on their normal leaves, but I haven't seen any with that classic trainwreck/chernobyl look... but based on this one, I'd say it is just now coming on since this is one of the first into flower.... so we could see a lot of that coming over the next few days and week :)

A/c working good today, I must've frozen it up turning it down so low yesterday. Everyone continues to look great... humidity starting to be a concern it's getting real muggy and humid smelling in the dark room i'm gonna have to put a fan in there... when the a/c's not running it gets humid in the flower room... think once I have the new room going with dedicated a/c it won't be as much of an issue because the a/c will probably be running off and on all day to keep the room cool and that'll keep the humidity down.


Well-Known Member
Hint hint hint, I've got 23 cuttings, that's WAYYY too many... I can't do 30 plants again... I just can't... and this would be worse, because at least last time I did 30 plants, I got down to below 20 after male/female separation... this time I'm starting out with 23 females and 10 unsexed... now I may have room for a few more as I'm thinking of buying more lights... but not that many :) and i don't want to take care of that many the watering alone... shit... anyway...

Been talking to my agent friend about my lease... he doesn't think the landlord is gonna go for month to month even though the lease says I can... may end up seeing if landlord will go for a 6 month lease if that's the case... gonna have to talk to her in the next couple weeks about it. Anyway, I'd have enough time for 2 more flowers after july before having to shut down if that's the case... that wouldn't be too bad :)


Well-Known Member
What kind of light are you thinking of getting? I haven't figured out if I'm ever going to get to use my 400 w or not.

Well hopefully, don't want to have to move that around more than you have to.

So what all clones do you have to give away? I'll probably put one more round of apollos through my cloner just to be safe though will probably have to trash a fair bit or go release them in the country. Run free little plant, run free


Well-Known Member
Watching Ultimate Fighter Finale... man that Cat Zingano has a face NOT made for television... there's no makeup that can help you after a fight... it's a man, baby

i want to get one or two more veg 240w lights... i only have one and they're fantastic for vegging under. Right now it's in the flower box because I don't have enough flower models... so i'd get at least one more flower one and at least one more veg one... would like to get a couple more of each but they're so damn expensive even 2's not cheap. 3 veg lights would be enough to veg all the plants I do even in my larger grows... moving up to a 6'x'6'x6' grow area, I'll have room for more flower lights, but if I put the HPS in there too I can probably get away with no more than I have now I'm guessing. So probably will end up getting 2 more veg 240s now that I think about it. Then I'll have the 600w hps + 5 240w flower models for the flower room (1760w, though probably closer to 1275w actual wattage output since the blackstars only pull around 135w power). 1275w for 6'x6' area ain't bad though :)

Haha, run free :) Yeah it's really just a horrible thought thinking of letting a good female cut go to waste :) I got a lot of timewreck cuts extra mostly but i'll probably have a couple of chernojills too. Looks like both my apollos are gonna make it at this point. they're definitely regreening and one has a semi-healthy looking leaf even now.

I may not need to get rid of too many I gotta talk to the landlord about the lease in the next week or two if I end up extending 6 months I can use all the extras as mother plants for clones for future rounds. Veg space isn't a big issue mainly flower space. Hey just realized if I disassemble my current box I can reassemble it upstairs maybe for the new veg box... :)


Well-Known Member
Oh yeah... my co2 is already out after less than a week... when the a/c ran out I had to leave the door to the flower room open to keep temps reasonable (still up to around 85 in there)... at first I turned co2 off... but then I decided with the extra heat, they need the co2 now more than ever since it's supposed to help them deal with higher temps better.... so I went ahead and turned it back on... had hoped it would not run out so fast, but did half expect it to drain out from running with the room up... sure enough, tonight it's out. Lame... good reason to get the new room going, it'll save both electric bill and co2 use/bill :)

PHEW! For a moment thought tomorrow as monday and the hydro store is closed... but they're open 12-4 on sundays... guess I gotta make sure to get my ass down there.


Well-Known Member
There's two stores I like and only couple blocks from each other. One id's rearranging and showing off more aquaponics.

Same or different timewreck? Are my two the same or different? Let me know about chernojill whether these or future

Good to hear about the Apollos


Well-Known Member
The two you have are different, not sure which is which :) And extras are mainly other cuts i think. i'll have to take stock of what I actually have... i'm not 100% sure on what i'll have yet too i already lost one cut to wilting that looked like it was going to make it at first... a couple i planted didn't have visible roots, but were stable in the rooters (like they were anchored by roots) and they were in such good condition i don't think it's possible that they could be in that condition without roots :) so will have to wait a few days to see what takes. Exciting -- it's getting to the point in flower that it's really down to starting to evaluate what to keep... seeing which ones are going to put out a ton of resin and trichs... who knows what surprises there will be :)


Well-Known Member
26.6 grams on seedless romulan. Couple grams of small slightly seeded romulan and couple grams from each of my blueberry plants. I just don't go through much.


Well-Known Member
Could get a tent but not an LED to run it. I can only run my 400 w hps in winter with my windows open. Having issues with 80 degree temps already. If I cab sell it off I'll either replace current air filter or hopefully find a bigger one for whole room that I can run with less noise and open the door of the room. Well after I seal my light leak anyways. It's only on veg mother side so not worried about the plants from the leak. I'd love to retire this cab for these purposes and build version 2.0 but wood is getting write pricey these days. Thinking I'd be better if with a tent money wise but they attract more attention if seen. Bah


Well-Known Member
For real I was about to say screw a tent just build one except wood ain't cheap either :) Still wood + panda film like I do would probably be cheaper than buying a tent outright.

Hey if you get into woodworking you should build stealth mini-cabs and sell'em... look like furniture on the outside, grow cab on the inside ;)


Well-Known Member
Watered 5 this morning... here's pics of a few including the oh so frosty timewreck pheno (hopefully just the first)

TW I think maybe vortex dom
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Another chocolate chunkey monkey... just trimmed this morn... it thinks it wants to give the tw a resin race


Well-Known Member
For my use it has to have wood sides and front at the very least. My dog has a powerful wagging tail and he also bombs into furniture. I had to rebuild my cloner spray bar because he kept hitting the cab hard enough to knock it over


New Member
Lol you better keep and eye on the cat before you have DRUNK kitty and little less frost lol!
Shit I wanna lick that plant lol, so I know the cat is just WAITING for an opportunity to pounce hahaha :leaf:

Nice man!
(tho this is nothing new........)


Well-Known Member
Yours are a week behind I think Ron... not the same age I think?

No worries on the cat, he doesn't chew on the leaves... used to have a cat who would occasionally. This cat doesn't settle for anything less than smoke in his face he's a stoner cat for life. He'll come and sit next to me and wait for me to blow it on him when he wants.


Well-Known Member
What ozone gen are you using again? I've been looking at them tonight, trying to figure out which would work for me. As my grow is in my bedroom and my dog spends most of it's time in there I don't want to make it too strong and be harmful. At the same time I'm afraid that cycling it on and off will allow the smell to fill my room still