Finshing outdoor plants inside


Well-Known Member
Hey riu. What if one were to cut a branch off a close - to - harvest plant and bring it home then placed it in a glass of water (after recutting the stem). Would trichomes continue to develop? I think they would - to an extent. What do you think?


Active Member
To a very small extent...cutting a branch off will be extremely stressful the cutting. It will use what energy it has to stay alive and form roots. Although a cutting from a plant late in flowering probably wont even be able to grow roots anymore...


Well-Known Member
To a very small extent...cutting a branch off will be extremely stressful the cutting. It will use what energy it has to stay alive and form roots. Although a cutting from a plant late in flowering probably wont even be able to grow roots anymore...
From what I understand processes inside the plant continue so long as there is liquid water present in the cells. I figured a few days in water might help with an early harvest. Hours would stay the same as well.


Well-Known Member
You could try to graft the branch. But then again, the plant is already so close to death, would it even continue to develop? A clone can only draw from the remaining leaves to survive, as it developes roots. It doesn't draw through the cut stock. IMO, I would say don't do it.