FinShaggy's Religious Marijuana Grow Journal

. . . . . . . . . During this time there were something like 12 Crusades, and the Islamic Moorish Empire ruled Europe for 700 Years. . . . . . . . . . .

It was a big deal to the Spanish I'm sure, but. . . . . .Iberian Peninsula isn't all of Europe.
Religious Art, Shilpa Shastra, like carving a Cross, building a Cathedral, or creating an Idol to Lord Shiva.
Yah, something like that. :lol:

Some useful info

Silicate, Silicon, is the same thing used to make Microchips. If you add it to your plants, it will make their cell walls stronger. If anyone has any details on Silicates or Pictures of plants you used them on, post them here. (Btw, it also works with other plants, I remember these people that came to my parents house when I was like 13 and they wanted investments in a Silica product for Banana trees, and the Silica trees were much bigger)

Here is an article about Silicates

Then there is Colchicine, you add Colchicine to water at like .3 or .03% (gout medicine that can be lethal at even big small doses), then germinate seeds in that water or soak them then germinate them. Then like 90% of the seeds die, the other 10% have double chains of DNA, causing mutations and gigantism, gigantism in marijuana nugs. But apparently the 1st generation of these can be Poison, but the 2nd generation and 3rd, etc, will pass on the mutation.
The Banana Crack is a good size, and the seeds were feminized, so I am most likely going to flower Banana Crack this round, with Blue Mystic and Early Durban, and I will pollinate them with a Malawi, African Buzz, or South African Kwazulu male.
I am using a 55 Gallon Barrel for the Ferment

Here is the Yeast I am using

It is Enartis ES 123, which will bring the Cider to 14% ABV and add Apple and Pear Terpenes.

I am not sure exactly how much Juice I used, but I used different kinds. All of them were 100% Juice with the only added ingredients being Vitamin C (Absorbic Acid) and Malic Acid (the Acid that Apples already contain, which gives them their flavor.

Apple Juice Concentrate, 100% Apple Juice with the only added ingredients being the same as the Juice

25 Lbs of Sugar




You don't have to use this much Yeast, but I decided to just because

Yeast Nutrient to get it going

4 Lbs of Cinnamon Sticks


Then after this I added more Juice until it was above that Line in the barrel, so about 50 Gallons, maybe more, total. I didn't fill it all the way up because if you fill it too much it will bubble out of the top.

This was the airlock Yesterday, the air pushing the Water means that it is working

You might not be able to tell from this picture, but this is today and it is Bubbling fast. Each Bubble is CO2 being made by the Yeast, which means that Alcohol is being made by the Yeast, as CO2 and Alcohol are the byproducts of Yeast eating Sugar. This Yeast also has the added benefit of creating Apple and Pear Terpenes, so usually Cider that was this strong would basically just taste like Wine, this will still taste like Apples and Pears.
Btw. I connected a tube from the Brew to the grow tent to fill the tent with CO2. I will post pictures later.
This installment of the series is going to be purely about topping, with a tiny little bit about FIMing, which is basically the same thing with a twist to get slightly different results.

Topping is where you chop the top off of a plant, you could do this either for the purpose of taking a clone, or just to "Top", which is what I am about to show you. Ok, so once you have chopped the Top off of your plant, what do you do?

The Answer is: Nothing

Just keep watering it and giving it nutrients and everything like you normally do, but it will be fine.

Here is my Early Durban (Durban Skunk)


Here is the Early Durban after about 1 Week, it was actually a little less but I forget how many days exactly. Notice that those two little tufts of leaves became 2 new tops.


Here it is after being Transplanted into a larger container, and after maybe 2-3 Weeks.


Now, I don't have any pictures for FIMing yet, but FIMing is just chopping a little high, which causes the plant to grow 4 tops instead of 2 tops. I did it on 3 other plants, but I didn't take pictures. When it does it I will show you the process with another plant and take pictures of the plant that had it done previously. I did the other ones later than the Early Durban so they'll take a little longer.

And you can continue to Top your Tops until you have like 8, 10, 12, 14 Colas, you just have to have the light and space for it.
Ok, so for flower I am going to use those 10 gallon aerobags, then I have that 1500W LED and my roommate is getting another LED like that, and then I have the 600W of UVB 10.0 CFL light, and I'm going to get a 600W MH/HPS and I'm going to use the HPS.

So now if anyone wants to complain, you'll have to complain that we have too much light for 6 plants. But we'll have a big tent and 10 gallon buckets and bamboo poles and everything, so we could end up just getting massive massive nugs and pretty massive plants.
Btw, I totally forgot about this other book.

If anyone remembers when I was teaching everyone how reagent grade Hash is made, and Polarized solvent hash, and Isomerizef hash, I was using that book "Dr. Atomic's Marijuana Multiplier" and you all acted like because it's a comic book from the 70s it is useless (which is completely wrong).

If you remember that Dr. Atomic book. I totally forgot but I just found and remembered a book I bought a while ago called "Cannabis Alchemy" which gives you all the same info as Dr. Atomic, but then has flow charts instead of comics, and a little more chemistry detail, and THC Acetate Production.

And just btw, I'm going to be making all kinds of Hash with the trim from this grow.
Ok. So there is a section in this book where people are like talking back and forth, like a letter to the editor type thing, and it's all about different methods people have found and stuff.

And the book explains making Solvent Hash like Rick Simpson Oil that is Isomerized, and some guy called Tex made it so they call it Tex Iso. But one guy that wrote a letter to the editor thing is all like "I got super interested in this and went to a medical library..." and he says that if you boil Marijuana in water, then throw away the water, the weed will be cleaner smoke and still have all its THC and the water is trash with just resins in it. Which makes sense because water is polar and THC is Non-Polar; but I never heard this before. He says he found it in a paper about Decarboxylization of THC. He says the boiled is stronger when Eaten, but no real difference in strength when smoked. So you can boil weed and eat it raw, boiled, and it will work like brownies.

He then takes that weed, extracts it and makes Isomerized hash with resins and all that even further removed.

This would be good for making hash from brick weed or something too.
If you don't know much about Hash, this post will be a good starting point to pretty much learn everything about Hash (The first main part will be common hashes, the second main part will be Terpene Enhanced Hashes). First, I will point out that I do not use the word "Concentrates", just like "Cannabis" is an English Word, and "Marijuana" is a Spanish word, and they both mean the same thing. The same is basically true of the English word "Concentrates", the Arabic word "Hashish" and the Sanskrit word "Charas". Now, here are a list of Hashes/Charas, that are common:


Bubble Hash (Can be made in different grades)

Rosin (Can be made with a hair straightener)

BHO (Butane Honey/Hash Oil, made with Butane blasted through a tube full of Marijuana. There is also a safer produced form of BHO made with CO2)

Solvent Hash or RSO (RSO is Rick Simpson Oil, made with Naphtha and a Rice Cooker; Solvent Hash generally can be made with various solvents, such as Acetone, Alcohol, Hexene, etc. and can be left to dry or dried out another way. The basic concept is like making tea, and then getting rid of the liquid.)

Polarized Solvent Hash (PSH, is when you take 2 Solvents with different Polarity. For example, most things dissolve in Water, while Marijuana does not. This is why it is hard for Marijuana to be used in Hospitals, as it can not be injected, and will not diffuse in the bloodstream. It will dissolve in Milk, or Butter, or Oil. And Oil and Water do not Mix, they have opposing Polarity. So you get 2 Solvents with opposing polarity, and remove the THC from the Resins. A separatory funnel can be used to make the last part easier)

Scissor Hash or Hand Hash (Made with the material that collects on Scissors or your Hands when harvesting buds; to make it with your hands just get them covered and then rub your hands together and form it into a ball)

Butter (Not Hash, but an Extraction; Put Marijuana in Butter or Oil and heat it up, but not hot enough to Vaporize the THC; then use a Coffee filter or something to separate the solids, and put the butter or Oil in the fridge. You can also do this with Milk)

Distillate (Distillate is made with a Still, the same way as getting Alcohol from water; This is how "Reagent Grade" plant extracts are made)

Reflux (A more difficult, form of Solvent extract that allows you to use less solvent; as well as do things like Isomerization at the end. Isomerization could probably also be done with Distillate)


The first and best example of Terpene Enhanced Hash is LHO. Similar to BHO, but instead of Butane Hash/Honey Oil, it is Limonene Hash/Honey Oil. The Limonene does not completely evaporate like the Butane (mostly) does, it stays in the Hash. And it is not a Contaminate, but a benefit. It makes the hash better, and has won a Cannabis Cup. You still Vacuum Purge it like Butane Hash to get all the Contaminates out, but the Limonene stays.

Live Resin. Live Resin is BHO made from fresh buds instead of Cured buds, so they have all their Fresh Terpenes, not evaporated by the Curing process (Curing basically = letting it dry out right). And the buds are kept in a Freezer until they are used. This creates Hash with more Terpenes in it than normal.

Sauce or Terpene Juice. This is almost the same as LHO, but instead of making the extraction with the Terpene, you just add the Terpene to the Hash afterwards, and it is done with many Terpenes, not just Limonene. The thing that makes Sativa different from Indica is the Terpenes, they both contain THC as their main active ingredient, but the Terpenes add the other effects.

Lastly, no one is really doing this at all as far as I know, but I have made BHO before with added Lemongrass. So I added Lemongrass with Marijuana to the Tube, then blasted the BHO through. Theoretically, this means that the BHO contained not only THC, but also Myrcene and Limonene (which are also in Marijuana). And the Hash was stronger, and acted faster, than normal Hash according to multiple people. There has been research on the effects of Myrcene and Limonene on THC, but no one is really taking other plants and mixing them. Other examples of plants with the same Terpenes as Marijuana include Pine (Pinol), Rosemary (Pinol), Lavender (Linalol), Uziza (Caryophyllene, which actually acts on the CB2 receptor and causes munchies, and is the actual molecule that Police dogs use to Identify Marijuana). So you could add these plants to a BHO tube, or an LHO extraction, or a Butter extraction, and your Hashes/Extractions will have different effects and flavors and smells than other people's.
I'm going to get a Separatory Funnel and a Soxhlet to start making some Isomerized Hash at the end of this grow.

I also have a glass Still so I can make THC Distilllate (Fractal Distillation), and I have Bubble bags, and maybe a BHO tube somewhere. I'm also going to get some Limonene. And one of the people I'm renting a house with is going to get a T-Shirt Press to make Rosin and Live Rosin.
Another guy wrote about a method that I have talked with people about before, but it's not in dispensaries or anything.

So he called it "Pollen", but he made Kief and used that to make the Hash, and ended up with a cleaner product. This would work with BHO, Limonene, Butter, pretty much any Hash. If you make Kief or Bubble Hash first, your Hash will be more pure at the end.

In the thing he wrote he talked about using Nylon, but now that Bubble Bags exist, that would be the best way to do it. To make Bubble Hash put the Bags in water and ice with the marijuana, to make Kief get dry ice, and put it in the bag with marijuana, then shake it over a mirror to get Kief.

I have also seen some people that use screens stretched on wood frames, make be even metal frames. Then putting them on things that relook like kitchen scales, but they rotate.

I have also heard of people creating Tumblers with the screen in the outside. The basic concept is kind of like a cheese grater, but almost like a filter.

Then use that to make other hash.
Ok, so I am going to start making a few different kinds of Hash at the end of this grow, here is a list.

First, we will use the Fresh Nugs to make Live Resin and Live Rosin, one of the people I am renting a house with is getting a T-Shirt press.

We will try to make everything else with trim if there is enough, and there should be.

Then I am getting a Soxhlet and Separatory Funnel and Solvents and some Sulfuric Acid, and I am going to make some Isomerized Polarized Solvent Hash, and I am going to try it with Boiled Nugs to see if it makes cleaner product. And I am going to get a Vacuum Purge, and I will make Shatter type product with it, as well as put Limonene in in order to create something like a Super Clean LHO, that is like Terp Juice, but with the LHO type residue remaining after a Vacuum. The Non-Limonene product will be basically like a super pure BHO, then I will add LHO sometimes. I may also make some THC-Acetate.

I also have a Still so I will make some Marijuana Distillate.

And I have like 10 Bubble Bags so I will make some Bubble Hash, and maybe some Kief.

We will also be making some Caviar, and specifically like some 2 on 1; and 8 on 1; and 20 on 1 type stuff. Most people here probably don't know what that means, but some people probably do.

I will also be making Cooking Oil and Marijuana Milk and Candy.