FinShaggy Breeds Strains with an African Genetic Base (Revolutionary Breeding Company)

i'm not a breeder, but i've played with it a little. you need a special set up if you're going to try to actually breed usable, repeatable strains. sealed rooms with filtered intakes to keep your strains separate, or else your intakes will suck pollen from all your rooms into all your other rooms, and you'll have no idea what pollinated what.
you have to produce at least three crops of that strain, and pick the best phenos from each run to breed again till you can get a true breeding pheno (which is kind of a joke anyway, i regularly get 3 or 4 different phenos from the same bag of 6 seeds). don't stop dreaming, just might be a good idea to do some research into your dreams before you start telling everyone about them

I've got it all worked out, thanks for the advice though.

Lol. I am pretty sure the rest of you are just jealous. I remember the first thing you guys trolled me about was my sister, and you would print out pictures of her and jack off on them even though she was underage. Then when I started teaching people about isomerized hash you guys all got mad, and then when I grow you all freak out and pretend I can't grow.

You can be jealous all you want, that's fine. You're all no name trolls while I am a pretty well known person. But you can't make things up, and you can't constantly attack someone with the things you make up.
I've got it all worked out, thanks for the advice though.

Lol. I am pretty sure the rest of you are just jealous. I remember the first thing you guys trolled me about was my sister, and you would print out pictures of her and jack off on them even though she was underage. Then when I started teaching people about isomerized hash you guys all got mad, and then when I grow you all freak out and pretend I can't grow.

You can be jealous all you want, that's fine. You're all no name trolls while I am a pretty well known person. But you can't make things up, and you can't constantly attack someone with the things you make up.

"PEOPLE KNOW ME!" just not for good reasons
Oh, and btw. I see there is already over 600 views on this thread, so I just want to say to the people who aren't just trolls here to harass me and are actually following the thread, but don't feel like you can post because of the craziness caused by the trolls...
Thanks for following the thread, I will be posting updates regularly, no matter how bad the trolls get. So this will keep going.
Hindu Kush

South African Kwazulu
Here are the backgrounds on some of the strains I am using.

South African Kwazulu
"Grown by generations of Shaka Zulus, who were one of Africa’s most significant farmer warrior tribes, legend has it that this plant was used in the battle preparations prior to the first British attack in 1879 and that her long-lasting and galvanising properties enabled the outnumbered and outgunned Zulu army to repel the enemy invaders."

Hindu Kush
"This pure Indica seed-strain originates in the Hindu Kush - a mountain range that has been home to legendary cannabis varieties for centuries. After many generation of selective breeding they were brought to the west."

African Buzz
"African Buzz is a variation of the Malawi Gold - an amazing and fast growing 100% sativa strain. She is a pure sativa marijuana strain that has a rapid vegetative phase in optimal conditions."

"ACE Seeds Malawi is probably the strongest pure sativa line in the market. It has a incredible production of huge trichomes, its flower density and its devastating power knocks down the hardest and most nervous smoker, this quality turns her into a cannabinoids bomb"

Cheese Bomb
"To obtain Edam Bomb AKA Cheese Bomb, Bomb Seeds crossed an original Cheese clone taken from the UK with a Bomb #1/Bomb #3 cross. The presence of Bomb genetics has created a perfect breeding match. The Cheese genetics have not been compromised; rather this has meant a greatly improved yield and potency that Bomb strains are known for. The result is fat buds with a classic cheese taste and smell coupled with a long lasting, physical high."

Blue Mystic
"The original strain of Blue Mystic came from sunny California. She absorbed the warmth and head-spinning fragrances of the orange county and slowly released it with a heavy stoned finishing twist. Mainly indica, Blue Mystic cannabis seeds produce attractive healthy plants as high as 50-70 cm. They look happier when grow in small groups. Though, with a bit of extra attention (like not to let it dry out), she shows good results when grown as an individual cannabis plant. When grown indoors, this marijuana has a neutral smell compared to many other strains. Blue Mystic marijuana is famous for her velvety blue hues that show up about mid-way into flowering."

White Rhino
"Nirvana Seeds White Rhino is a powerful F1 hybrid of White Widow and a strong North American indica strain. White Rhino is suitable for medical applications because of its high THC content. The taste of its smoke is hashy and slightly harsh, a good bong smoke. The Canadian father of the Rhino is more indica than the White Widow father, creating a more dense and somewhat shorter plant."
I have a few other strains, but those are all the ones I am going to germinate right now, and I can legally grow 12 plants because there are 2 people.

I am also Germinating a single Green Crack and a single Sour Diesel seed that I got for free, 1 of each.

Green Crack
"American Genetics. Green Crack from BlimBurn Seeds range is another legend straight from the USA. This hybrid is on of the strongest Sativas in the cannabis seeds world. The effect is energetic, sharp and cerebral what makes it perfect for day time use. The smell and taste is sweet and fruity. Green Crack produces light green or purple buds fully coated with crystal. In this variety you may found two phenotyoes : Indica dominant or Sativa dominant."

Sour Diesel
"American Genetics. Sour Diesel is another medicinal variety created by BlimBurn Seeds by crossing the best Sativas - Chemdawg, Northern Light and Skunk #1. The effect is truly medicinal and perfect for therapeutic use after chemotherapy, pain relief, anxiety, sclerosis, glucoma and depression."
Also, in this grow I will be using some Stress Techniques:

Super Cropping
Topping (Clones will be taken all the time to be given away to friends or sold to dispensaries)
Maybe a little SCROG and maybe a few other things.

I will also tie branches to Bamboo sticks to allow branches to carry heavier buds and grow an African based Motherplant that I don't flower and that just grows bigger and bigger for 6+ months. Maybe 2.
Also, since I am talking about Genetics and Dominant and Recessive Genes and bringing out certain Genes, I think this is a good time to bring up Racism. Racism isn't Eugenics anymore, Eugenics is back when people would look at history and say "X culture was white, X culture was black, let's decide which one is 'better'.". Modern Racism is not based on Eugenics, but is based on the very real and present danger that White people have of going extinct in the next 1,000-2,000 years. Racists today are aware that the world is becoming less and less white, and most "White" people on the planet aren't considered White by racists because they are really Asian (more than 1 Billion Chinese people, etc). So modern racism exists because White people are going extinct because White genes are genetically recessive while other genes are genetically dominant.

"Now since people of color are genetically dominant
And Caucasoids are genetically recessive
And Whites expect to be predominant, meaning survive as a race then

They simply must, take precautions
That's why they're worried about their future now
Cause by 2050, almost all the Earth's population
Will be brown
Then black, so understandin' that, whites counter-react

African Marijuana Genetics could end up being dominant as well and could threaten the existence of White European Marijuana strains. :lol: Lol :lol:
Oh, and btw. I see there is already over 600 views on this thread, so I just want to say to the people who aren't just trolls here to harass me and are actually following the thread, but don't feel like you can post because of the craziness caused by the trolls...
Thanks for following the thread, I will be posting updates regularly, no matter how bad the trolls get. So this will keep going.

Well of course there are 600 views! Most of them are by non-members, who can view but not post here. Thank you for bringing in so many of your followers.

It's because you are so well-known and all, they must have heard that you were posting your wisdom here. They know that you will type out some amazing knowledge for them to absorb, so they just take notes, and they don't want to interrupt your creative process.

The members here are honored to have you make another knowledge-drop on us, you make all of us appear intelligent. Rollitup truly attracts many famous people.

One question though, are you still a teenager?

Well of course there are 600 views! Most of them are by non-members, who can view but not post here. Thank you for bringing in so many of your followers.

It's because you are so well-known and all, they must have heard that you were posting your wisdom here. They know that you will type out some amazing knowledge for them to absorb, so they just take notes, and they don't want to interrupt your creative process.

The members here are honored to have you make another knowledge-drop on us, you make all of us appear intelligent. Rollitup truly attracts many famous people.

One question though, are you still a teenager?


No problem. I always do, and you guys always act like ass hats, and I always end up on top in the end. So act however you want about me bringing people, I hope you are happy about it, it has really gotten me a lot of recognition and even money over the years. Who are you anyway?

Lol. Are you still a teenager? Because that was hilarious. Either you are dutch, or in highschool, because that was a hilarious thing to try to ask as some kind of ironic crushing twist question at the end of your post. :lol:
No problem. I always do, and you guys always act like ass hats, and I always end up on top in the end. So act however you want about me bringing people, I hope you are happy about it, it has really gotten me a lot of recognition and even money over the years. Who are you anyway?

Lol. Are you still a teenager? Because that was hilarious. Either you are dutch, or in highschool, because that was a hilarious thing to try to ask as some kind of ironic crushing twist question at the end of your post. :lol:
You always end up on top
LOL! How'd that milk and rice grow turn out? How do we all know your name and what your mom's fake tits look like? Why'd you run for years from a misdemeanor possession? You're a clown. At least your sister looks good
Someone should get Landrace Marijuana genetics from the plants the PKK, Kurdish Workers Party, grow in Iran. To shine light on the situation between Kurdistan, Turkey, Iran, Syria and Iraq. If any Kurds have access to Marijuana grown by the PKK with seeds in it, you could be sitting on a Goldmine. If you have access to PKK grown Marijuana, keep your seeds and take them to the Netherlands or Denver/LA or British Columbia.