Finnally made my room now i need to know what to cover it with help please??????


Active Member
like aluminum foil i don't want to use that because im sure there is something better for that and im thinking of buuying a 150 watt HPS set up that gives off 16,000 lumings is that enough???? i have a 4x2x2 box i made much thanks in advance peoples! i will be growing one plant in the box


Well-Known Member
Go to walmart-k-mart, target, whatever. Almost all of them sell a product called "space blankets." Its essentially 5'X8' thin piece of mylar. They usually sell them in like a 5 pack for $10. If you can't find it locally you can buy them online. When you get them, they are paper thin, easy to cut and you can put them on your wall and fit them to any spot you need.


Well-Known Member
for one plant, obviously the more light the better but a 250hps would be good, and in that amount of space you could get at least 3 plants under that light.


Well-Known Member
And remember if your growing, especially from seed, you want at least 2-3 plants, if its from seed then you want to make sure you get at least one female, its you know they will be ladies, then u want more then 1 just in case something happens (pests, nute problems, etc . . . ) always rather have the problem of too many plants then losing one or two and not having any!