finishing time for deep purple


Well-Known Member
Here's my deep purple at day 42. I thought this was a 60-70 day strain, but Sub changed the finishing time in his latest strain guide to 50-60.
She developed brown hairs early, is that a sign of completion or just normal for this strain. I also have a pic of a deep purple clone w/ a monster stem.



Well-Known Member
Thanks for the link. I may have been a little too high when I looked at his strain guide.... it says 65-70 days.
I'm happy to know that she gets to go another 25 days! she has the sweetest smell. no purple on the tops of the leaves, but some on the bottoms.


Well-Known Member
Actually, TGA's website shows both the long and short finishing times.
I'm gonna go with the shorter time, and harvest this plant real soon.
Its taking up one spot in my medical plant allowance, and I'm wanting a big producer in that bucket.DSC01296 (1)dp.JPG

this is day 54 of flowering