Finished Harvest!! But how do i get tighter nodes??


Active Member
Ok so i just harvested the first 6 plants off my new mother, and I only used a 250w HPS to flower 6 of them bad boys... got a few zips... now i got funds for 2 more 600's :)

ok so heres what i wanna change...
I noticed the first harvest the spacing between the nodes was like 4" apart up the main stem... how do i narrow it down to like 2-3"?

during flowering i kept my lights about a foot above the canopy and as the plants grew i simply moved my lights up as needed but im wondering if that was what made my girls stretch so much...

should i just keep the light at the same high height during flowering?



Well-Known Member
What strain did you grow? Remember that sativas will get tall and spindly with larger gaps between nodes. And did you use hps for the clones and mothers? MH is better for vegging under. It will give you better node spacing. Do you have any pics of the plants and your grow room? Pics are helpful.


Active Member
Im stuck with no cameras at the moment...

I did northern lights #5 x hash plant :P and its definately some far out shit just lathed in crystals!

I use two 100w CFL's (total 20,000 lumens) and two 2' shop lights adding another 5,000 or so lumens in a 3'x2'x6' greenhouse (pics in my gallery). Ya the vegging is fine its just when i went to flower them they shot up like wild fire so im just wondering if i should keep the HPS in the flower room at the same height rather than keeping the light down on the canopy and moving the light up as the plants grow... im thinking keeping the light up high and letting the plants grow to the light will keep the canopy a little lower since its not getting so many lumens during the first 3 weeks of flowering....??

But any word for the wise... in a 3x3 space with 6 plants we only pulled off 4 zips... so that 250w hps DEFINATELY has to be replaced by a 600 or 1000 and im going to increase the size of the flowering room to 6x4. the lower branches had buds the size of pussy willows but all the colas and a few higher branches were just stacked with tight bud... i think with even a 600w in the same scenario we'da got at least 6 zips

also ill be going to aeroponics and ditching soil here in the next month... so with a new light and a nice homemade aero system im SURE were gonna get WAY more bud! Dude this time around we just did basic miracle grow moisture control soil for all of flowering and added NO nutes... so ya im anxious to get into hydro with the bigger light ASAP!

Willy Nilly

Active Member
My understanding is that stretching also happens when temps are not under control... which contributes to your nodes not being tighter. Control temperature, control light distance (or plants reach/stretch), most important during the 1st 3 weeks of veg.


Well-Known Member
I have heard that there is a benifit to using MH in collaberation with HPS. The HPS gives the proper spectrum, and the MH prevents stretching.


New Member
Grow with halides and keep your night temps close to day temps. You can also lower the humidity and maybe give less water but more often.