Finish this week?! whuuuuuht?


Well-Known Member
awesome i appreciate it sacred but what do you think of my idea? Harvest half the plant this thursday the rest next thursday the 21st


Well-Known Member
yea just make sure you cut the buds that are most mature, dont just cut the top half and leave the bottom half.


Active Member
Actually yeah i retract my last opinion of two weeks after seeing those pics yeah max a week. And the flushing thing can give you root Rot in outdoor just yard dirt depending on how the specific dirt holds water but you'll harvest before that could really affect your plant. But you haven't really fed it any nuts though if im recalling correctly so yeah lol. Also maybe just regularly water it like three four hours before you do pull it so the branches are nice and hydrated that way they don't dry to fast least that's what i did because its so dry here and makes sense ya know lol but yeah beautiful pics. Night time pics are always the best.


Active Member
If i knew how to give you rep or whatever that is here i would but never really tried to figure it out lol Hahahaha so


Well-Known Member
give it another week man.maybe take away the big leaves with long stems on them in a couple of days. i would wait until thursday, flushing it out door may give it bud mould.
Wait, why take the leaves? Don't take any the leafs man.. Flushing creates bud mold? And why Thursday? I'd go 2 more weeks. Bad advice.
awesome i appreciate it sacred but what do you think of my idea? Harvest half the plant this thursday the rest next thursday the 21st
I wouldn't.... I'd harvest the whole thing in a little over a week, maybe two... Cutting at the plant could slow her down some and would defeat your purpose of harvesting half now and half only a week later... Patience grasshopper


Well-Known Member
but wont the window of potency close within then? i mean it does look indica dominant. Waiting it out will only give me weight no?


Active Member
Wait what i said a week or maybe up to two and you say im wrong now 303 says the something and he's right? Im confused


Well-Known Member
the 21st is less than two weeks away, and as i said your window is open, so only harvest the fully matured buds and leave the buds that arent in the window. If you wanna do the part harvest.


Well-Known Member
and i was saying that your last post was correct. The last 2 were correct! waiting longer to cut the mature buds will result in resin weight.


Active Member
From what i understand if you were to wait it out a little longer more of the trics would turn amber creating that more couch lock high and your glands will swell with more resin, so your buds will become fatter and more dense. This is what i understand it to be again though it is your plant. Good smoking Cuzzo peace im about to clock in and start working, good ol whole foods.


Well-Known Member
i already said that to mega, that the buds will fill up and will provide a very sleepy high and may increase in weight b/c resin. lol whole foods, is that a health store?


Well-Known Member
Ha good shiet i applied hopefully i get called for an interview. Yes thats what i understand as well. So more resin equals couch lock high? since it is more resin would it be like a stoned out of my mind high just that im under a couch lock?