Finish this sentence: "Without cannabis, I'd be..."


Well-Known Member
Lol gravy love ur sig, now just need to get GSP and Silva in the ring together!
If Anderson fights the way he has the last few fights GSP is gonna beat him. Anderson looks so bored.he's just looking for that last high profile fight before he retires.


Well-Known Member
He didnt fight bad at all in the last two fights, he just keeps gettin stuck with fighters that should never be in the ring with him, Leites acted like a straight up pussy in that fight. Silva just stayed smart and insured he won, he's only got 3 fights left on his contract. I think he would beat GSP, even though GSP is a outstanding fighter and athlete he would be giving up alot in terms of height and reach, it would be a good fight though.

Big Joop

Active Member
Without cannabis, I'd be...

Slightly more financially secure, not high, a lot more stressed, unable to sleep, and I'd have a few more back pain issues...

I'd also probably weigh a little less, because I get the munchies FIERCE.


Well-Known Member
i would have probably shrunk out of existence, when im high is the only time i can eat and im extremely skinny as it is


Well-Known Member
Probably would have alot more money, I seem to get sick alot more now that I toke, and I'd probably have a better gpa.


Well-Known Member
without bud i would be more intelligent
hah you're tripin balls.

Without cannabis, I'd be less intelligent in . . . biology, chemistry, neuroscience in general, a lot less musical, and definitely unhappy. and possibly even less intelligent in general.