Finish the sentence above you!

mr west

Well-Known Member
am rather fond of a chocolate digestive and a freash cup of tea.

Only thing left to .....................


Well-Known Member

smoke is my ounce of shwagg, Fredrick, bust out the Piggly Wiggly Blunt rap.

The heavyiest joint i ever rolled/smoked was...

mr west

Well-Known Member
cocktail consumed on the 2nd of feb 1997 in the other place coffee shop amsterdam, northern lights, orange bud,thai, katama, polm columbian and one benson and hedges ciggeret.

I get most wrecked when I.........................


New Member
Beutiful, i think i have a tear in my eye. But how heavy was it??

Go on a marijuana fast, then hit up a fatty bong load, works every time all the time any time.

The G spot is a...


New Member
my mmm card in my little paw along with some fine strains and new clones to put outside.....wahhhoooooooooooooooooo......

Life is good.....oh sorry...I'm here;) another question.

If everyone here at this site had an mm card it would .....................

mr west

Well-Known Member
stop a hell of a lot of paranoia and my hair wouldnt fall out lol.

the whole situation is ..............