Finish in the dark?

shurly that comes under stressing your plants before harvest, which will increase thc production. theres a few things that are ment to stress your plants before harvest, hash makers inj some parts of the world pin spikes in the base of the stem to stress them out.
i can see how someone would think that the extended dark hours would produce more thc, as its mainly produced at night time with darkness.
but if hash makers have tried and tested this method and still use it, would that be a better method of stressing the plant out rather then all the darkness.

Not stressing your plants will produce more thc
Make sure to water with grape kool aid and boil the roots then hang it upside down so the thc oozes to the budzzz. Maximum thc

I second this. I feed mine Cherry KoolAid.
When cobalt nitrate is dissolved in water, it typically forms a pink solution. The color of the solution is due to the presence of hydrated cobalt ions. Cobalt(II) ions in an aqueous solution can appear pink because they absorb certain wavelengths of light in the blue-green part of the spectrum, and the transmitted light appears pink to our eyes. The exact shade of pink may vary depending on the concentration of the cobalt nitrate solution and other factors, but it is generally described as pink rather than red.