Finding a good guerrilla site


Active Member
Hey, here's my plan, if anyone has any advice or warnings, they are much appreciated. There are numerous forest and nature preserves around my house. They do have trails running through them and are open to the public, but people aren't supposed to leave the trail. I want to make about 4-5 different sites with 3-5 plants a piece. I already have my plants started inside. I'm going to go in there, dig out holes about 2ft deep and 2ft across, backfill with quality soil and perlite that i bring in, and transplant there. I also will have to cage them with chicken wire, as deer are a big problem. So that is the plan. Anyone ever tried this before?


make sure there is a brook near by, you dont want to carry in 5 gallon pails of water all the time.


oh yeah, no pine trees either. the needles are really acidic, and might mess with the ph.


Well-Known Member
I am planning on the same thing as you! I don't have that many nature preserves here but there are plenty of wooded area's.


Active Member
make sure there is a brook near by, you dont want to carry in 5 gallon pails of water all the time.
I would disagree here. If deer are a problem, I would shy away from creeks, lakes, brooks, etc. Deer tend to hang out near water sources or visit them frequently (as well as other critters). Deer are generally repetitive animals when it comes to where they like to eat first, always try to stay away from deer trails. Some tips to tracking if deer have been there are to

1)look for worn paths, generally dirt or an obvious cut through the woods
2)look for their shit on the ground
3)hoof markings (deer tracks)
4)deer like to scratch against trees or sharpen their atlers on them, try to find nearby trees with thick bark on them, sometimes you can look close and see where some deer hair has caught on the bark
5) look for plants that have already been chewed on a bit

Also stay away from things deer like to eat, in the summer and sping they go for the leafy green plants. In fall/winter they tend to look for trees with nuts, fruit, seedlings or acorns on them. They also eat woody plants with buds or berries on them. Each terrain is a little different, but if you know anybody that hunts, ask him/her the best place NOT to find deer.

my two cents, good luck bro.


Active Member
yeah, unfortunatley the deer are an unavoidable problem. We have a shitload up here because of all the preserves, and pretty much anywhere that i can find that would be good to grow, there is evidence of deer present, so i have to cage them. I'm also gonna use bloodmeal and maybe a commercial repelent if i think its necessary.

Freedom Fighter

Well-Known Member
i want to know..cause i'm going to go through this... the initial attack...How are you going to carry all this shit..
5 sites at 5 plants ea. - you're attempting to transplant about 25 plants to a Nature Perserve (where it's probably extra illigal) .
Where you might (you should expect it) see people running and biking a trial? and if you ambush your sites at night... you'll be top suspect of the body they found near the water bank.

Then...harvest time? Taking 25 bitches down ..and walking them back to your ride..
Obviosuly it's a multiple attack that is going to take you longer than a days battles. but even completeing one site seems like a bitch to me (for the first steps!).


Active Member
yeah, it's definatley going to be a bitch, but its about the best way to ensure a harvest if you're doing it in a place that's so public. The good news is there are no park rangers, just maintinence people, so they should only be found by hikers if anyone. But it is really a bitch. I already have some of the sites picked and dug, just have to do the terrible deed of getting the soil there, which will suck balls. If you plan to do this, it takes a big time and work investiment. I've already put 10+ hours of hard work and a lot of walking, and i maybe have 2 sites fully dug and ready to go. It will totally get you in shape, though.