Finally Popped The Question


Well-Known Member
This is why I feel like I can't share my feelings or talk about my life and my thoughts with people, because everytime someone says i'm bullshitting or trolling or pulling their chain- yes I did ask a woman to marry mn e, yes I want to settle down with someone I never met in person, I don't understand people, I guess ive never related well because of a personality disorder, thats probably why im still single because I cant communicate my feelings to people and.if I do they don't care or they dont take me seriously


Well-Known Member
Its 2011, Have you seen what Women are watching on Television.?!.
So you plan a Casual Helicopter Ride around the City after your morning walk on the beach, and finish it off with Chuck Norris making you dinner & then Producing a 2karat ring from his 3rd AB is sealing the deal I am sure but please consider ending your night with a pent house city view.. . Oh.. .disney land you say. Uh Sure.. Go for it Champ.


Pickle Queen
Its 2011, Have you seen what Women are watching on Television.?!.
So you plan a Casual Helicopter Ride around the City after your morning walk on the beach, and finish it off with Chuck Norris making you dinner & then Producing a 2karat ring from his 3rd AB is sealing the deal I am sure but please consider ending your night with a pent house city view.. . Oh.. .disney land you say. Uh Sure.. Go for it Champ.

Oh be careful or u might give crypt a reason to start using his big words ;) damn u must be a fan of the bachelor/bachelorette, I hate to admit but i gotta watch it's soo fake but i wanna be a princess damnit!!!! LMFAO

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
This is why I feel like I can't share my feelings or talk about my life and my thoughts with people, because everytime someone says i'm bullshitting or trolling or pulling their chain- yes I did ask a woman to marry mn e, yes I want to settle down with someone I never met in person, I don't understand people, I guess ive never related well because of a personality disorder, thats probably why im still single because I cant communicate my feelings to people and.if I do they don't care or they dont take me seriously

Damn dude. I was high as fuck, and thought you were slowly bringing in the fact that shes a Russian mail order bride or something :lol: as a joke...sorry.... dude I didn't know you were actually Beardo until like last week. I thought that was a joke too. :lol:

Nothing against you, It's just the internet I swear I've seen someone set up a joke thread like this before..... You have to understand people actually don't do a lot of what they say they do on the web, so it's hard to take each post seriously from anyone!

On the real:
I'd move in with her before you get married though... no need to rush.... Some people would consider that simply moving in with someone you haven't met a BIG step.


Well-Known Member
you aint missing much beardo, ya better off meeting a woman that hates ya guts, and giving her a house, saves on divorce lawyers, and all the crap inbetween lol


Well-Known Member
Just because I may formulate affinity in a different way that most people doesn't make my emotions any less sincere, as a matter of fact I think I know what true love while many people never have the chance to experience it so they just pretend.
Don't ditract from the sincarity of my thoughts just because they differ from yours-
be smart and get a preen-up
Prenup. Or pre-nup. As in prenuptial agreement...

Poor Beardo, why can't people give others the benefit of the doubt?

It seems those who take the piss and crack jokes on people rather than trying to be articulate or constructive get repped up for it.

Beardo, I mean it, we think very alike... I wish all the best for you <3


Well-Known Member
Good Luck bro...behave at your batchlor party now,lol,...don't bite the stripper on the ass like I did...I got slapped for that one!...she wasn't too mad though, it was all in fun
Good Luck again!!


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking this chick is a player, It's been a day since I asked and she hasn't said yes, I was hoping to get married tomorrow night, oh well I guess she's not the one, now I have to do my own dishes, I'm kind of sad about it, it's a curse I have I can't be with a woman I like, oh well i'm going to find a slut who's down to bang for the night and get wasted and try to forget about it.


Well-Known Member
Tomorrow night!...holy shit, thats a long time to make her wait...maybe she wanted to settle down sooner,lol...jk got the right spirits, go get loaded and start over if you don't here from her.