Finally my first AG grow journal


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody, i decided that after almost 2 weeks since my seed sprouted its time to take to the message boards. I have a pretty basic setup, its the 7pod aerogarden classic. I also have a cheap walmart fan pumpin in some air and i plan on getting a airstone in the next few weeks. The first picture is where you have to squeeze through to get to my hidden grow area. Its about 11 feet long and a foot and a half wide. Ill try to post new pics every week or at least once something interesting happens. These plants will be 3 weeks old on monday the 2nd.



Well-Known Member
do you think im doing anything wrong because ive seen some AG plants the same age that look at least twice the size and twice as developed or does it pretty much depend on the seed at this point?


Active Member
I recently bought the AeroGarden Deluxe, and I have been testing with one seed (Grand daddy P), it's been 5 days and my seed has germinated. Now there was a problem that I resolve...the root had a tough time digging into the spunge for some reason and started coilling up. So I took a new spunge, poked a hole in the bottom and feeded the root through the hole. I hope the action I took was for the better good and survival of the plant. Only time will tell...Good luck with your grow Hootie as I hope my plant will be able to recoop from the little move I gave it. P.S. I'm just using a big fan and just letting it blow through the door crack into my closset. I have also purchased an HPS light fixture for later (flower stage).


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody, today is my 3rd week since the seeds have sprouted and I have a few questions.

1. Ive noticed that the plant on the right has 5 leaves where as the plant only have 3 leaves each. Anyone know whats thats all about?

2. I dunno if you can see in my pics but should i clip the very small, oldest leaves, the brown tiny ones?

3.There are are some weird issues going on with my second plant's leaves any ideas on whats up with them?

Thats all the questions Ive got so far, thanks for checking out my posts!



Well-Known Member
Hey one more question...

4. Do my plants look small for only 3 weeks? I swear ive seen some pics of plants the same age that look twice as big.


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody my plants are getting big, almost too big for my tiny grow space.

They are about 4 and a half inches tall and i think its time to start flowering considering i can only raise my hood to 12 inches high.

Is there anything special I need to keep in mind once i start flowering other than keep my light cycle at 12 and 12?

how long do you think ill have to flower for?

ill post some pics to flickr for some reason rollitup wont let me load pics


Well-Known Member
do you kno the strain? you could always detach the AG Hood and hang it above the plants


Well-Known Member
nah i dunno the strain I really cant get too crazy with my set up, its super stealth and in a very cramped area so i removing the hood isnt really a option


Well-Known Member
hahahahahah, the damn STANDFORD AND SON THEME SONG :lol:

haha damn, that was so funny, gotta +REP you on that

nice vid homie haha, there lookin great, how much room you got in there