Well-Known Member
Went to my Mom and Dads today for a visit and asked my Dad if I can take some of his comfrey plant. Got the shovel out and dug up a good sized root ball. Took it home and planted it up on the rock wall away from any garden areas. Is there one type of comfrey that is better then others? Any guess from the picture what type I have?
Dug up a few dandelions from the yard. Gonna dry out the roots and make some roasted dandelion root tea. I keep buying the stuff and then looking at all the dandelions in the yard. Has anyone ever had experience in doing this? The best time to harvest the roots is September to October because that's when the plant stores up for the winter. I'm gonna dry the leaves out and if my plants need a quick boost of potassium I will make a tea out of them. Dried dandelion leaves have about 4% potassium in them.
Dug up a few dandelions from the yard. Gonna dry out the roots and make some roasted dandelion root tea. I keep buying the stuff and then looking at all the dandelions in the yard. Has anyone ever had experience in doing this? The best time to harvest the roots is September to October because that's when the plant stores up for the winter. I'm gonna dry the leaves out and if my plants need a quick boost of potassium I will make a tea out of them. Dried dandelion leaves have about 4% potassium in them.