Final say on CO2 temp!?!


Well-Known Member
Hello all. I've read so many different things on here about the "best" temp to keep your grow room at. I hear that 76-78F is the ideal temp. But I am using CO2 (20lb tank) and have heard that I should have my room at 85F for this. SO WHAT IS THE RIGHT ANSWER! Should I invest in a A/C unit to keep my room at 78F w/CO2 or should I just keep it how it is because it is at 85F??? WHAT IS THE BEST TEMP FOR CO2 THANKS!


Well-Known Member
Hello all. I've read so many different things on here about the "best" temp to keep your grow room at. I hear that 76-78F is the ideal temp. But I am using CO2 (20lb tank) and have heard that I should have my room at 85F for this. SO WHAT IS THE RIGHT ANSWER! Should I invest in a A/C unit to keep my room at 78F w/CO2 or should I just keep it how it is because it is at 85F??? WHAT IS THE BEST TEMP FOR CO2 THANKS!
Nature works just fine at all temps! Your plants will let you know if they are too hot. Co2 is prevalent all over the world at all temps and plants also- optimum temp, there isnt one!


Well-Known Member
Why on Earth do most threads on here say 85-90F temp for CO2? Did people just make that up? Anyone know?


Active Member
from what i have been told, you can run your room hotter with te use of CO2 because the plants absirb more at higer temps, where as when your not pumping CO2 in the plants can get chocked out. Keep in mind this is all word of mouth here and i persoanlly have never run CO2 yet. I have heard stories of people tuyrnhjing off their AC and exhaust fans and running CO2 and getthing their rooms up to 100+ degrees. But that was with propane burners.


Well-Known Member
That's what I've heard as well. I am just wondering if I "CAN" have it at 85F w/ CO2 or if it is better to have CO2 and still keep it at 75F


Active Member
One thing that I have found in past grows and as well as others I have spoke with is that grows in higher temp grow rooms seem to get heavier yields when co2 is used at temps above 80+ and into the 90's vs not using co2.

One of my current grows at the moment I'm running co2 with a day cycle temp of 78 and a night cycle temp of 68-70. I guess my point is don't worry about what temp your at so much for your co2 uptake, worry more about if you have enough co2 in the area you are growing in.

I find most people who don't monitor the amount of co2 are well under what they think they are and the ppms in the room are not doing much good. Giving them enough co2 is more important in my honest opinion...


Well-Known Member
Allright, so when my grow room hits 85-90 I'm not going to worry about adding an A/C to bring it down to the mid 70's. Thing is that if the thermostat on the wall says 85 it's prob 95 to 100 right under the lights right? Maybe the plants will flourish w/ the co2


Active Member
Allright, so when my grow room hits 85-90 I'm not going to worry about adding an A/C to bring it down to the mid 70's. Thing is that if the thermostat on the wall says 85 it's prob 95 to 100 right under the lights right? Maybe the plants will flourish w/ the co2
I would still try and keep your temps in check and make sure you have fans going to keep from letting the heat from your lamps burning the tops etc. HIgher temps can cause problems as well. In my case I'm hydro all the way and I need to keep my res temps down and that would be hard to do in a 90 degree room. I guess I'm trying to say there is more to pay attention to as a whole and sure this stuff will grow under some pretty terrible conditions. Personally I like to get all that I can for the time spent.

P.S. Alot of people on forums seem to agree that if you can stand in your grow space and you feel comfortable, your plants will do well. Too hot or cold for you and your going to affect the yield of your plants. I'm not sure how true that may be, but I wouldn't bother trying to discredit it either...:hump:
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Well-Known Member
I'm not sure guys, I just finished my first co2 grow without ac, my temps were in the 83 to 86 range. My 50 day flower Black Domina took it well, but my OG hated the high temps. All the commercial growers around here keep the temps at at 76-78 with co2 between 1100 and 1500 maintained WITH a co2 controller. There is NO way to know your levels without the controller and you will most likely be under what you need, especially ones the plants get bigger and use more (I read up to 20 times more). Don't forgett that in a sealed room the plants DEPEND on the supplemented co2 ;)
I'm on my first truly sealed grow with ac now :twisted:

Good luck mate!


Well-Known Member
Without CO2, my temps run lower, the CO2 acts as a heat sponge and holds it in, if you use it your temps will go up a little bit. I have awesome success with temps around 80-83 while using C02 and without CO2 the cabinet stays 78 all day long and drops to 67 at night.


Well-Known Member
Do you think 2 x 1000w digi is too much for a 5x5x7 space? They are in cooltubes so I'm wondering if they will stay between 80-85F w/ the fan on the lights running, but w/o the exhaust running. Advice?


Well-Known Member
^Becuz I really want 1000w hps and 1000w mh cuz I heard that is the best for flowering quality and big buds.


Well-Known Member
Hey Stink, how is that working out for you? I'm still dialing in...
You have some pics of your dried buds?
But my tank only lasted two weeks. Not a big deal as it only costs $17 to fill up. I need to get an extra tank so I will always have a full one nearby.

I used a CO2 syringe testing kit to dial in my room. It took 8 tubes to get it close. I ended up running a timer set to come on every two hours for 30 minutes. I have my CO2 flow set to three which fills my room to about 1700 PPM after 30 minutes. Then it drops slowly over the next hour to about 1000 PPM before the vent fan comes on.

I vent the room for 15 minutes right before the CO2 starts

I'm getting a CO2 monitor/controller in a couple of weeks. That's really the only way to do CO2 right. I want to get one that will control the vent fan also. It's confusing as fuck with all the different brands and such. I wish I knew which one to get:-?.

Harvest in 7 days...



Well-Known Member
But my tank only lasted two weeks. Not a big deal as it only costs $17 to fill up. I need to get an extra tank so I will always have a full one nearby.

I used a CO2 syringe testing kit to dial in my room. It took 8 tubes to get it close. I ended up running a timer set to come on every two hours for 30 minutes. I have my CO2 flow set to three which fills my room to about 1700 PPM after 30 minutes. Then it drops slowly over the next hour to about 1000 PPM before the vent fan comes on.

I vent the room for 15 minutes right before the CO2 starts

I'm getting a CO2 monitor/controller in a couple of weeks. That's really the only way to do CO2 right. I want to get one that will control the vent fan also. It's confusing as fuck with all the different brands and such. I wish I knew which one to get:-?.

Harvest in 7 days...
Thanks for the pic:mrgreen:
I have a hard time getting consistend info on temps, my local boys tell me 78 even with co2. I want very very tight nugs, which I have failed at doing so far, I didn't have the ac before and my temps run up to like 86 with the result of making rather loose (I have high standards) buds, even with the co2. So my initial thought would be to try the 78 degrees since I have the ac now:mrgreen:

The controller will make live a lot easier for you, especially since the co2 plant uptake changes dramatically throughout the grow, they don't take up more, but are a lot bigger and therefore use more.



Well-Known Member
If you get a controller and monitor, does it automatically dispense Co2 out of the bottle for you to keep it always at 1500ppm? So expensive but man that has got to be amazing if it actually does that.