Filtering closed columns

Those are 2 of handful of factors on color/clarity.

What is your starting material?
Are you pulverizing or gently packing?
How old is the material? How was jt stored?
Whats your filter situation?
Was the trim sprayed with an oily substance while growing/harvesting?

Ugliest stuff ive made to date was some shit for a friend who harvested with a twister t4. The machine recommends hemp seed oil be sprayed on buds/blades while it trims. His buds came out dark, and the trim was dark as night and wouldnt shatter.

Blasting is mostly a game of "you cant polish a turd" and you get out what you put in. Ive tried using -60 butane and deep freezing tubes with shit material and didnt help salvage too much. Ive run room temp butane over better material and came out beautiful.

Maybe you could try winterizing? Should clear it up.
Thanks for the reply but you missed the conversation, its only a few posts long....

The frustration is that I have learned recently that CC almost requires winterization and I don't want to have to do that.

I have been trying to trap all the lipids in the cc and extract as efficiently as glass but with the cc % increase.

The state of the material is different each time but the CC results are always the same. I can take glass column and turn turd into turd smelling glass but not with CC.
Sorry didnt read all.

So youre running one of those stainless spools with inlet one top and exit on bottom that has valves to let you close? But running this over traditional glass youre not seeing the same results? And youre treating your tube/materials and cans the same way as before?

Gotta be your filter setup then. Assuming you were using coffee filters on end of glass with hoseclamp or something before and now youre stuck with just your triclamp gasket?

I do my filters for time being as such, coffee filter after weed folded and pushed into place. Then have a 25u stainless screen cut to fit on inner portion of viton gasket, then cut my whatman filter 11u and put after that then the viton gasket with lower mesh for support/placement. Make sure my filters are lined up proper and clamp down. With a cold soak and this setup i am def seeing lipids but not as much as id truly like. Maybe this will help even things out between the two setups.
Thank's snaps, I do the deep freeze and keep the particles out already... So It sounds like y'all do winterize every batch in closed column?

That was an interesting idea fade.... Like as a post filter as it exits the column maybe...

How quickly does liquid butane pass through un-pressurized filters like the sock or coffee filter? I wonder if it would pool up quickly and get crazy..

You put the sock filter inside a filter cannister. We are going to make our own out of sanitary spools, but here is a link for different style sock filter housings to promote brain farts.
There are other issues besides filtration to lighten up colors.
If you look at the molecular weights of the molecules involved, they run from monoterpenes, through our beloved diterpene cannabinoids, and then into flavonoids, anthro cyanins, chlorophyll, and then plant waxes.

Anthro cyanins are where much of the color comes from, and of course chlorophyll adds green and plant waxes are undesirable inert ingredients.

Anthro cyanins change color with pH, and have the unusual ability to exhibit the Beers/Lambert effect, which means that a thin layer of the resin can be almost totally clear, yet two thin layers may be almost opaque.

The longer chain heavier molecules do not dissolve as readily as the mono and sesquiterpene alcohols, ethers, aldehydes, keytones, esters, etc, and do even less readily as the temperature falls. Extracting frozen material with -30F butane will lighten up the colors.

You can also lighten up the colors by increasing the percent of propane in your mix, because the heavier elements are less soluble in propane than butane, and they pick up less.
Sorry to pseudo-thread jack but,

Did the slurry tanks a few times and feel like I killed one of the valves on my mastercool tanks. Shit doesn't seal up right unless warm, as soon as I even try to freeze my tank I get leaks and need to add additional valves to my tank to prevent it until my new ones come in. Not to mention the head pressure on the tank was non-existant with the mix, even with an assist from a second tank going from warm vapor tank to frozen tank, just seemed like frozen tank was absorbing the vapors and not adding to head pressure, I assume since only 12# in tank that the frozen tank needs to be fuller. But after finding a freezer full of vapors one morning and freaking out that I could have blown things up, have gone back to just using ice instead, at least until my custom tank comes in.

Also went to general air and got some n-propane and made a 25/75 mix based on the weights of the gas, ran the material and came out darker than i had seen before. Gas was frozen in freezer and had heard great things, but first batch came out way darker than i was used to and I'm almost scared to try again. Gonna try again because I keep seeing great results with tane, and pretty sure the x_tracted guys are doing 100% tane and getting those beautiful crunchy muffins which i'm very curious to try to make myself.

I have also seen several people using activated charcoal I think it is to clean things up? They're washing the charcoal out with the butane and and distilling first, then running and seeing great results but haven't had a chance to try myself.