Filtered water from the fridge?


lol nothin better than mother nature tho........ and i am very happy i do have decent water from the tap. if i didnt i prob would collect rain water, figure out a system i could make to where i could have a drainage system to fill a huge reservoir then i would just throw a bubbler or two in it, just to keep the water moving and oxidized. a lot of work but prob worth it for the long haul. HAPPY GROWING!!!


Well-Known Member
Boiling it sterilizes it man. I didnt mean boil it down like i was cooking oil.Obviously.Thats how alot of people in alot of countries do to make it fit for drinking.


"i just like to disinfect my water just to make sure its clean. and i have never had a problem boiling my water."
didnt you read what i wrote?
Disinfect .............. Sterilize................. its the same thing
or i dont understand what you meant by "Boiling it sterilizes it man." (pickleslinger) i think we talked about this already